More earthquakes to hit Taiwan’s Hualien County in coming week: CWB

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Magnitude 5.4 earthquake strikes east Taiwan

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TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A magnitude 5.4 earthquake shook northeastern Taiwan at 7:24 p.m. on Wednesday evening (July 7), according to the Central Weather Bureau (CWB).

The epicenter of the temblor was 10.8 kilometers south-southwest of Hualien County Hall at a shallow focal depth of 7.6 km. Taiwan uses an intensity scale of 1 to 7 that gauges the degree to which a quake is felt at a specific location.

The quake’s intensity registered a 5 in Hualien County; a 3 in Nantou County, Taichung City, and Changhua County; and a 2 in Yilan County, Taitung County, Taoyuan City, Hsinchu County, Miaoli County, and Yunlin County. A lesser intensity of 1 was recorded in Chiayi County, New Taipei City, Hsinchu City, Taipei City, and Kaohsiung City.

No injuries or damage from the quake had been reported at the time of publication.

15 earthquakes strike east Taiwan within 24 hours

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TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan’s Hualien County has recorded 15 earthquakes within less than 24 hours, with two reaching a magnitude of 5.4, the most recent of which struck at 6:11 a.m. on Thursday morning (July 8).

From 3:21 p.m. on Wednesday to 7:31 a.m. on Thursday morning, 15 temblors have rocked Hualien County, with the largest registering a 5.4 on the Richter scale. The epicenter of the first magnitude 5.4 temblor, which struck at 7:24 p.m. on Wednesday, was 10.8 kilometers south-southwest of Hualien County Hall at a shallow focal depth of 7.6 km.

The epicenter of the second magnitude 5.4 quake was located 11.4 km south-southwest of Hualien County Hall at a shallow focal depth of 9.6 km. Taiwan uses an intensity scale of 1 to 7 that gauges the degree to which a quake is felt at a specific location.

The quake’s intensity registered as a 4 in Hualien County; a 3 in Nantou County; and a 2 in Yilan County, Taichung City, Taitung County, Taoyuan City, Changhua County, Yunlin County, Miaoli County, Chiayi County, New Taipei City, Chiayi City, and Taipei City. A lesser intensity of 1 was recorded in Hsinchu County, Kaohsiung City, Keelung City, Tainan City, Hsinchu City, and Pingtung County.

The 15 earthquakes ranged from magnitude 3.1 to 5.4, while their distance from Hualien County Hall ranged from 8.6 km to 21.4 km, primarily in a south-southwestard direction. The depth of the temblors ranged from 5 km to 14.2 km.

No injuries or significant damage from any of the quakes had been reported at the time of publication.