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NHK王牌女主播正名「台灣」 進場順位提前是日本暖心之舉

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東京奧運23日晚間7時正式開幕,中華隊代表團按照拼音,原本是在第105順位,最後改至第104順位原因揭曉,是按照台灣的「た(ta)」,而不是中華台北的「ち(chi)」!主持人以「Chinese Taipei」介紹中華隊進場,日本公共媒體機構「NHK」王牌女主播和久田麻由子以「台灣」介紹中華隊,同時談世界球后戴資穎。

▲ 東奧開幕式,中華隊。(圖/體育署提供)


和久田麻由子是NHK晚間九點「News Watch 9」的主播,先是以「台灣」介紹進場的中華隊,隨後提及戴資穎,指出她是多年來與日本女單好手奧原,競爭世界球后寶座的頂尖羽球選手。

NHK以「台灣」介紹「Chinese Taipei」,日本網友在推特熱烈討論,再度展現「台日友好」。長年旅居日本的台灣人看到電視轉播,直言相當感動,原本就在想NHK會照著念Chinese Taipei還是台灣,加上台灣以此順位出場,可能會被中國抗議。




Award-winning Taiwanese singer appears on Times Square billboard

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TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwanese singer Wei Ju-hsuan (魏如萱), aka Waa Wei, appeared on a giant Spotify billboard in New York’s Times Square Thursday (July 22).

The music platform released a campaign called “EQUAL Global Music Program” in April after a self-funded report showed that just one in five musicians in the charts are women. The company launched an EQUAL playlist of significant female artists from over 50 countries to support gender equality.

Taiwanese diva A-Mei (張惠妹) was one of the selected musicians and made her appearance on the Times Square billboard last month. Wei shared on Facebook Thursday that she was shocked after A-Mei was featured and hoped one day that it would be her face on the screen.

When the singer’s dream came true, Wei posted a photo and video of the Spotify promotional video. Wei wrote on social media, “I am so honored to be featured after A-Mei and Karen Mok (莫文蔚). To all women and mothers, we are invincible.”

Before Wei made her debut in the Times Square campaign video, she joked that her fans had put her picture on the LED wall using Photoshop and that she wanted to share that photo, but her company gave her a firm “no.” The mother of a three-year-old boy, she is also a radio host and won Best Female Mandarin Singer at the 31st edition of the Golden Melody Awards after four nominations.