鞏固品牌價值 Dable與全球網媒品質驗證公司IAS合作

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Dable是全球領先個人化推薦行銷科技平台,3日宣佈與全球數位媒體品質監測領導者Integral Ad Science (Nasdaq:IAS) 技術合作,推出品牌安全解決方案。透過Dable投放廣告的品牌廣告主可避免廣告出現在含有不當訊息的網站,以維護品牌形象。同時,廣告能在安全且合適的版位曝光,精準觸及潛在的消費族群,提升廣告效益。

AS 的品牌安全監控建立在廣告競標前(Pre-bid)的機制上,將不恰當或有爭議的內容分類成:成人、酒精、非法下載、非法藥物、仇恨與冒犯言論……等類別。廣告主投放廣告前,預先設定放棄競標含有上述元素的版位,以避免廣告曝光於不當內容的附近。同時,Dable可提供廣告主競標紀錄的分析,標示出某些因可能危及品牌安全而放棄競標的紀錄。

Dable 的CEO Chaehyun Lee表示:「品牌安全是經營品牌非常的重要一環。Dable致力於提供品牌客戶優質的廣告投放經驗,同時全面維護品牌價值。透過IAS領先的品牌安全監控科技,全球Dable的客戶都能在安全的網路環境中安心地推廣他們的產品或服務,達成目標。」

IAS 品牌安全監控科技使用機器學習技術即時監測網站內容。除了分析關鍵字及URL網址,也解析有Dable原生廣告曝光的媒體網頁內容,深度分析及比對內文上下文的情境。廣告主可依品牌調性,設定廣告只曝光於特定性質的網站,並屏蔽於不合適內容的網站內,將有限的廣告預算運用在有品質且效益高的流量上。


「我們很榮幸能與Dable合作,將品牌安全技術導入更多行銷活動中。」IAS亞太資深副總裁Laura Quigley表示,「我們致力於提供產業洞察資訊與技術,來保護客戶的廣告在每一次的曝光都在安全且信任的網路環境。我們將持續與像Dable 這樣的產業領導者建立合作夥伴關係,幫助保護廣告主的品牌資產。」


Dable 駐點台灣、日本、印度、越南及馬來西亞等市場,並持續積極佈局全球。想要了解更多Dable的資訊,請參考官網:https ://dable.i o/tw/關於Integral Ad Science (IAS)Integral Ad Science (IAS) 是數位媒體品質監測的全球領導者。

IAS 重視每一次的曝光,確保廣告在安全和合適的環境中被真實的人看到。同時依據文中上下文的語意分析,推動供應路徑優化。IAS的使命是成為全球數位媒體品質監測的標準。透過即時數據分析驅動及產業洞察,來提升I AS網站信任度和透明度。IAS 成立於2009 年,總部位於紐約,與全球數千家頂級廣告商和優質出版商合作。

Non-IAS officers made heads of civic bodies; did Maharashtra govt flout norms ?

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Despite the Central government’s diktat to appoint IAS (Indian Administrative Service) officers to head all municipal corporations in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR), the Maharashtra government recently transferred IAS officers heading the civic bodies in haste and replaced them with non-IAS officers. The appointments are believably political and done overruling the set norms.

Incumbent Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation’s (MBMC) commissioner Dilip Dhole was personal secretary to Eknath Shinde, who heads the state urban development department (UDD), which appoints officers for smaller civic bodies. Similarly, the commissioners to Bhiwandi and Panvel municipal corporations are also headed by non-IAS officers.

Shinde said, “The decision on appointments is taken as per the availability of officers. Non-IAS officers are appointed with permission from CM. We cant keep the posts vacant for want of officers.”

Former Mira-Bhayander corporator Sanjay Pange has complained to Governor BS Koshyari, claiming that he was misguided by the government as the appointment order was issued in the latter’s name.

The department of personnel and training (DoPT), by issuing a notification on June 15, 2018, added D-class municipal corporations in the list of civic bodies which should be mandatorily headed by an IAS officer. Six of the nine corporations (Mira-Bhayander, Vasai-Virar, Ulhasnagar, Bhiwandi-Nizampur, Kalyan-Dombivli and Panvel) in MMR were in the list, while the remaining three (Mumbai, Thane and Navi-Mumbai) are already in DoPT’s list that mandates the state to appoint IAS officers to head these civic bodies. In case of non-availability of an IAS officer, the state can appoint a non-IAS but not for a period of more than three months.

The Panvel civic body never got an IAS officer, while the IAS officers appointed to head MBMC and Bhiwandi-Nizampur corporation was transferred abruptly.

Dattatray Bharane, minister of state for general administration department (GAD), said, “Our endeavour has always been to appoint an IAS officer to head municipal corporations but a shortage of officers has compelled us to appoint junior officers. The appointment on these civic bodies could be temporary. I will take up this up with the chief minister.”

Mahesh Pathak, principal secretary, UDD, said, “The DoPT notification is followed in case of availability of IAS officers. We have 17 D-class corporations and find it difficult to appoint IAS officers to head them. We face similar problems with other corporations such as Akola and Amravati, among others. We had approached GAD for the appointment of an IAS officer to head MBMC.”

In a reply to an RTI (Right to Information) query by Pange, GAD, however, stated that UDD did not approach them for the appointment of commissioners to Mira-Bhayander, Bhiwandi-Nizampur and Panvel civic bodies.

“We have neither received any proposal from UDD, nor have we given them permission [for appointment],” the reply from GAD reads.

An official from GAD said, “The appointment of the incumbent commissioner of MBMC is completely political as he was the UDD minister’s personal assistant. The minister’s incumbent personal secretary was Mira-Bhayander commissioner till last February. Not only DoPT’s order, but even the state government’s rules are not being followed as Dhole does not belong to the chief officer’s cadre, which heads nagar panchayats. If UDD claims that there was a shortage of IAS officers, why were the two IAS officers – Chandrakant Dange (February to June 2020) and Vijay Rathod (June 2020 to March 2021) – kept without a posting for four and three months, respectively, after their transfer from Mira-Bhayander civic body. During Covid-19, IAS officers with MBBS degrees were appointed to corporations, including Mira-Bhayander and Bhiwandi-Nizampur. Why were they transferred when Covid-19 was at its peak during the second wave?”

Pange said, “The order issued by UDD was in the Governor’s name. I had written to him seeking action as he has been misguided by the government that did not follow the norms. I have demanded action against the officials involved. The mandate of appointing IAS officers is made to ensure proper management of these emerging cities, which are currently in bad shape.”

IAS officers reshuffled

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The State government has focused on streamlining the functioning of civil servants to ensure that there is no interruption in delivery of the results of the spree of welfare programmes to beneficiaries at the grass root level.

The government effected transfers of senior IAS officers on Monday to ensure that key posts in priority departments are not left vacant.

In a major change, Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Commissioner M. Raghunanthan Rao has been transferred and Kamareddy district commissioner Dr. A. Sarath has been posted in his place.

Mr. Raghunanthan Rao has been posted as Agriculture Department secretary.

Anita Ramachandran, who is waiting for posting, has been posted as secretary of Telangana State Public Service Commission member in place of A Vani Prasad.

Rajanna Sircilla District Collector D. Krishna Bhaskar has been posted as Industries Department director replacing K. Manicka Raj.

Senior officer V. Venkateswarlu who is awaiting posting has been posted as director Youth Services relieving Sabyasachi Gosh from the additional responsibilities.

Mohd. Abdul Azeem, who is waiting posting, has been posted as deputy secretary in the Minority Welfare Department.