2021 Golden Melody Awards: Full list of winners

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Best Mandarin Female Singer, Hebe Tien. (Taiwan Television photo) Best Mandarin Female Singer, Hebe Tien. (Taiwan Television photo)

Best Mandarin Male Singer, Soft Lipa. (Taiwan Television photo) Best Mandarin Male Singer, Soft Lipa. (Taiwan Television photo)

Best Mandarin Female Singer, Hebe Tien; and Best Mandarin Male Singer, Soft Lipa. (Taiwan Television photo) Best Mandarin Female Singer, Hebe Tien; and Best Mandarin Male Singer, Soft Lipa. (Taiwan Television photo)

LOS ANGELES (Taiwan News) — The 32nd Golden Melody Awards ceremony started at 7 p.m. with the red carpet beginning at 5 p.m., at the Taipei Music Center (TMC).

Album of the Year

Gain Strength (得力量)

Best Mandarin Album

Home Cookin’ (家常音樂) (Soft Lipa, 杜振熙)

Best Female Singer (Mandarin)

Hebe Tien (田馥甄)

Best Male Singer (Mandarin)

Soft Lipa 杜振熙

Song of the Year

Your Name Engraved Herein (刻在我心底的名字) (Crowd Lu, 盧廣仲)

Best Album Producer

​​George Chen (陳建騏) (Time Will Tell, 無人知曉)

Best Song Producer

Khalil Fong (方大同)

Special Contribution Award

TaYou Lo (羅大佑)

Best Composer


Best Instrumental Composer

Terry Hsieh (謝燕輝) Derrick Sepnio (張德銘) (Bitter Sweet, 苦樂)

Best Vocal Album Recording

Where Is SHI? (出沒地帶)

Best Instrumental Album

The Adventures of Pie Boy (派仔之遊)

Best Instrumental Album Producer


Best Instrumental Album Recording

The Adventures of Pie Boy (派仔之遊)

Best Hakka Album

Till (到底)

Best Singer (Hakka)

Wing Lo (羅文裕)

Best Music Video

Home Cookin’ (家常音樂) (Cowper Wang, 王宗欣)

Best Album Design

Qing-yang Xiao (蕭青陽) (ZETA)

Best Vocal Group

The Wanted (尋人啟事)

Best Band

Sunset Rollercoaster (落日飛車)

Best Taiwanese Album

Tsu-pun (自本) (Olivia Tsao, 曹雅雯)

Best Female Singer (Taiwanese)

Olivia Tsao (曹雅雯)

Best Male Singer (Taiwanese)

Hsu FuKai (許富凱)

Best New Artist

Whyte, aka ?te (壞特)

Best Indigenous Language Album

Lady of the Ocean (海女)

Best Singer (Indigenous language)


Best Arranger

Baby Chung (鍾興民)

Best Lyricist 最佳作曲人獎

David Ke (葛大為)

「台灣是值得捍衛的民主政權」 歐洲學者籲歐盟深化與台灣關係-風傳媒

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[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

台灣數位外交協會與在挪台灣人國籍正名運動20日舉行「歐洲視角下的台灣:從人權出發」線上座談,曾任瑞典智庫「斯德哥爾摩自由世界論壇」(SFWF)助理研究員安斯特倫(Philip Anstrén Johan)、國際非政府組織「無國界人權」(HRWF)顧問馮儒莎(Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy)及台灣國際人權法學者廖福特與談。



馮儒莎提到,歐盟2003年把中國定位為「策略夥伴」(strategic partner),2019年已變成「系統性對手」(systemic rival),反觀台灣則是理念相近夥伴,但她也說,在共識決的歐盟內部,成員國對中國的看法主要分成「威脅」和「機會」2派,因此歐盟本身難對台灣有更一進步的表態。


「歐盟和台灣的關係要有策略辯論(strategic debate),且內容要反映歐盟與中國的關係」,馮儒莎稱,歐盟應展現自身是規範強權(normative power),這類強權是以精神感召和非物質報酬或懲罰做為控制工具,而歐盟的人權制裁機制是重大一步,「彌補光說不練的缺口」。

Philip: Taiwan is a security issue for the EU #PhilipAnstrén #EUTWHumanRights — Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association (@digidiploTaiwan) August 20, 2021





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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Envoy gets first pitch for the Mets on Taiwan Day

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A Taiwan-themed New York Mets baseball jersey is shown in an undated photo. Photo courtesy of the New York Mets

2021/08/22 03:00

By Chien Hui-ju and Jonathan Chin / Staff reporter, with staff writer

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators yesterday welcomed news that the New York Mets invited Representative to the US Hsiao Bi-khim (蕭美琴) to throw the ceremonial first pitch at Mets Taiwan Day on Sunday next week.

“We are pleased to announce Taiwan Ambassador to the United States — Ms Bi-Khim Hsiao will throw out the honorary first pitch for the 16th annual Mets Taiwan Day,” the Mets Taiwan Day Facebook account posted on Friday.

In previous years, the Mets invited tennis player Lu Yen-hsun (盧彥勳), movie director Wei Te-sheng (魏德聖) and chemist Lee Yuan-tseh (李遠哲) to throw the Taiwan Day first pitch at Citi Field.

Hsiao is the first Taiwanese representative to the US to throw the pitch at the event, DPP Legislator Chen Ting-fei (陳亭妃) said, adding that the post by the Mets was a rare occasion when the representative’s title has been acknowledged publicly.

“This means that Taiwan’s participation in private and official events in the US could take place on the table and become normalized,” she said.

“Hsiao’s first pitch will become a symbol for the unshakable friendship between Taiwan and the US,” DPP Legislator Hsu Chih-chieh (許智傑) said, adding Hsiao’s appearance at the Mets event would boost recognition of Taiwan.

The Mets 2,000 limited edition Taiwan Day jerseys, which were made in collaboration with Taiwanese-American groups and bore the “Hello Taiwan” logo, sold out last month.

Additional reporting by Ni Wan-chun


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