Mass Effect 3 War Assets guide: every asset that adds to your Military Strength

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Mass Effect 3 War Assets guide: every asset that adds to your Military Strength

Mass Effect 3 is all about fighting a huge war for the sake of the fate of the whole galaxy - which is a pretty difficult thing to portray and allow players to keep track of in a choice-based RPG. BioWare settled on the idea of War Assets and a unique statistic called Total Military Strength, or TMS.

To survive the war with the Reapers, the basic mission of Shepard and crew in Mass Effect 3 is to prepare and recruit as many different people, technologies, weapons, and anything else you can get your hands on to have the best Total Military Strength possible. The higher this number is the better. It can be checked and displayed using the War Terminal in the Normandy’s War Room, and your with your TMS/War Assets ultimately used to determine your fate and which Mass Effect 3 endings are available to you.

On this guide, we list every single War Asset in ME3 and their TMS values, plus broadly explain the system and what you need to know about War Assets in a more general way, so you know how much you need to think about this system in relation to your progress in Mass Effect 3.

Mass Effect 3 War Assets, Total Military Strength, and what you need to get for each ending

First of all, it’s worth pointing out that you can check in on your Total Military Strength at any time from the Normandy’s War Table room; there’s a terminal dedicated to tracking your War Assets. This menu will break down the War Assets you’ve acquired in a handful of categories - the same categories we use later on this page - but also give you a total milirary strength score, effective military strength score, and a readiness rating.

The rating that really matters is your Total Military Strength - your War Assets - as this is the one that will determine what happens in the final stages of Mass Effect 3’s story. Your Military Strength is determined by various actions in ME3, but also is one place where the consequences of your choices throughout the trilogy most consistently echoes.

Here’s the main thing you need to know about War Assets and Military Strength: if you play ME3 naturally, you will easily reach the end with a good amount of War Assets and more than enough that your ending options won’t be restricted. This goes doubly if you’re playing with the three DLC packs (Citadel, Omega, and Leviathan), as all three add significant Military Strength resources - the better part of 1000 War Assets. You would have to deliberately play quite poorly and had especially disastrous play-throughs of ME1 and ME2 in order to get the worst possible results.

We cover the endings and the Military Strength brackets (in the original game, at least) in our full Mass Effect 3 Endings guide, which has significantly more spoilers. The main thing that you need to know, however, is that if you simply give it your all and complete the majority of content in ME3, you’ll be able to choose between all three endings. If you also go deep on the other games, you should be able to have an War Assets that will even unlock a secret ending stinger tease that isn’t present in other endings.

In the original game, there were three stats: Total Military Strength, Galactic Readiness, and Effective Military Strength. The Galactic Readiness Rating was a modifier that determined how much of your Total Military Strength actually worked. So that meant that at a Galactic Readiness of 50%, a Total Military Effectiveness of 4000 would translate to an Effective Military Effectiveness of 2000. You could raise this stat through Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer, as well as other activities in spin-off games and apps. In the original version of the game’s Extended Cut, you’ll need about 3100 EMS to unlock all endings.

The spin-off games and apps are no longer around, nor is the multiplayer included in Mass Effect Legendary Edition - so the remastered version of ME3 rereleased in 2021 has rebalanced the entire system. Total Military Strength and Effective Military Strength are now one identical stat - Total Military Strength. The point value ‘gates’ that unlock different endings have been increased, too. In this version, you’ll need roughly 7600-7800 assets or more to unlock all the ending options including the ‘perfect’ variants. With that said, the entire game has also been rebalanced to ensure you can still access every ending simply by playing the games and enjoying their content, with no multiplayer or extracurricular activities required.

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If you’re unsure on exactly what order to tackle ME3’s missions in and are worried about missing a quest that leads to war assets, consult our ME3 Mission Order page, which makes sure no time sensitive missions pass you by.

Mass Effect 3 War Assets guide - every asset listed, and their Military Strength values

Here’s every War Asset present in Mass Effect 3 and its various DLCs, listed broken up by the same categories they’re split into when you look up your War Assets in the Normandy War Room. We include where and how each War Asset unlocks, plus the value of each. Please note that these values are based off the original release of the game, and some may have been slightly rebalanced.

Alien War Assets

Batarian Fleet: obtained via the Citadel: Batarian Codes quest available after Priority: Citadel II. The value varies depending on what happened in ME1’s Bring Down the Sky mission. (100 War Assets) +15 War Assets if Balak survived Bring Down the Sky, or it wasn’t completed, and you convince him. +40 War Assets if you complete the Kite’s Nest: Pillars of Strength quest

obtained via the Citadel: Batarian Codes quest available after Priority: Citadel II. The value varies depending on what happened in ME1’s Bring Down the Sky mission. (100 War Assets) Citadel Defense Force: this War Asset’s value fluctuates greatly based on a huge number of factors. By default, it has a small value. Below, we list some of the key additions you can make to this war asset, but it isn’t all of them. (10 War Assets) +8 War Assets if ‘Partner Benefits is authorized at the Spectre Terminal +7 War Assets if Civilian Deportation Order is authorized at the Spectre Terminal +7 War Assets if Medical Supplies is authorized at the Spectre Terminal +7 War Assets if Surveillance Authorization is authorized at the Spectre Terminal +8 War Assets for completing Citadel: Target Jamming Technology +8 War Assets for completing Citadel: Cerberus Automated Turret Schematics +8 War Assets for completing Citadel: Biotic Amp Interfaces +40 War Assets for completing Irune: Book of Plenix +40 War Assets for completing Dekuuna: Code of the Ancients +40 War Assets for completing Silean Nebula: Rings of Alune

this War Asset’s value fluctuates greatly based on a huge number of factors. By default, it has a small value. Below, we list some of the key additions you can make to this war asset, but it isn’t all of them. (10 War Assets) Elcor Flotilla: scan the Oltan planet of the Phontes System of the Silean Nebula. Only available after Priority: Rannoch (40 War Assets)

scan the Oltan planet of the Phontes System of the Silean Nebula. Only available after Priority: Rannoch (40 War Assets) Hanar & Drell Forces: can be obtained during Citadel: Hanar Diplomat. The viral upload must be stopped. This asset is also guaranteed if Kasumi was loyal and survived ME2 (50 War Assets)

can be obtained during Citadel: Hanar Diplomat. The viral upload must be stopped. This asset is also guaranteed if Kasumi was loyal and survived ME2 (50 War Assets) Leviathan DLC Assets: these assets are all obtained in areas or during the course of the Leviathan DLC mission strand. Leviathan Enthrallment Team: complete the Leviathan story DLC. (400 War Assets) Governor Grothan Pazness: scan the planet Cholis, which is in the Indris System of the Kite’s Nest Nebula (20 War Assets) Liquid Assets: scan the familiar planet of Illium in the Tasale system of the Crescent Nebula (40 War Assets) Void Devils Fighter Wing: scan the planet Heshtok in the Kyzil system of The Shrike Abyssal cluster (30 War Assets) Vorcha Labor Team: scan the planet Tyrix in the Thal system of The Shrike Abyssal (15 War Assets)

these assets are all obtained in areas or during the course of the Leviathan DLC mission strand. Omega DLC Assets: these assets are all obtained in the Omega DLC, which you can trigger by chatting to Aria on the Citadel after Priority: Citadel II. General Oleg Petrovsky: you must spare Petrovsky at the end of the Omega DLC. Note, you will get the same War Assets in a different category if you kill him. (30 War Assets) Omega Eezo Hoard: complete the Omega DLC (300 War Assets) Omega Raiding Fleet: complete the Omega DLC (75 War Assets)

these assets are all obtained in the Omega DLC, which you can trigger by chatting to Aria on the Citadel after Priority: Citadel II. Rachni Workers: only available if you spare the Rachni Queen in Mass Effect 1, then again during Attican Traverse: Krogan Team in ME3. (100 War Assets)

only available if you spare the Rachni Queen in Mass Effect 1, then again during Attican Traverse: Krogan Team in ME3. (100 War Assets) Shadow Broker Support Team: found on Hagalaz in the Sowlio system of the Hourglass Nebula Cluster. Only available after Priority: Thessia. (40 War Assets)

found on Hagalaz in the Sowlio system of the Hourglass Nebula Cluster. Only available after Priority: Thessia. (40 War Assets) Shadow Broker Wet Squad: scan the planet Rothla in the Dranek System of the Krogan DMZ cluster. Only after Priority: Sur’Kesh. (40 War Assets)

scan the planet Rothla in the Dranek System of the Krogan DMZ cluster. Only after Priority: Sur’Kesh. (40 War Assets) Spectre Unit: can be obtained during Citadel: Hanar Diplomat. You must ensure the Salarian Spectre Jondum Bau survives - which is guaranteed if Kasumi was loyal and survived ME2 (40 War Assets)

can be obtained during Citadel: Hanar Diplomat. You must ensure the Salarian Spectre Jondum Bau survives - which is guaranteed if Kasumi was loyal and survived ME2 (40 War Assets) Terminus Fleet: meet with Aria T’Loak in the Citadel’s Purgatory Bar (50 War Assets) +50 War Assets if you complete Aria: Blood Pack +50 War Assets if you complete Aria: Blue Suns +50 War Assets if you complete Aria: Eclipse

meet with Aria T’Loak in the Citadel’s Purgatory Bar (50 War Assets) Volus Bombing Fleet: can be rewarded from the Citadel: Volus Ambassador side quest. This is easier to obtain if Zaeed is loyal & survived ME2 (75 War Assets)

can be rewarded from the Citadel: Volus Ambassador side quest. This is easier to obtain if Zaeed is loyal & survived ME2 (75 War Assets) Volus Dreadnought Kwunu: scan the planet Solu Paolis in the Esori System of the Aethon Cluster. Only available after the Priority: Tuchanka story mission. (50 War Assets)

Alliance War Assets

103rd Marine Division: available as standard. (100 War Assets) +20 War Assets if you scan Nonuel, which is in the Plutus system of the Hades Gamma cluster +25 War Assets if you scan the planet Yamm in the Kalabsha system of the Nubian Expanse +50 War Assets if you give the students from the Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation a support combat role. +5 War Assets from a paragon dialogue option when speaking to Diana Allers after Priority: The Citadel II -50 War Assets if you did not complete the Arrival DLC mission in Mass Effect 2

available as standard. (100 War Assets) Admiral Mikhailovich: this minor ME1 character returns as a war asset, but only if you allowed the council to die at the end of ME1. (25 War Assets)

this minor ME1 character returns as a war asset, but only if you allowed the council to die at the end of ME1. (25 War Assets) Alliance Engineering Corps: available as standard. (130 War Assets) -130 War Assets if Shepard killed the Rachni Queen in ME1 but then spares the Breeder Clone in ME3. +40 War Assets for completing Valhallan Threshold: Prothean Data Drives +40 War Assets for completing Hades Nexus: Obelisk of Karza +40 War Assets for completing Hades Nexus: Prothean Sphere +40 War Assets for completing Athena Nebula: Hesperia-Period Statue

available as standard. (130 War Assets) Alliance First Fleet: available as standard. (90 War Assets) -25 War Assets if you saved the Council at the conclusion of ME1 +8 War Assets for completing Citadel: Chemical Treatment +15 War Assets if you scan the planet Juntauma in the Farinata system of the Hades Gamma Cluster +15 War Assets if you scan the planet Dobrovolski in the Pamyat system of Hades Nexus +30 War Assets if you kill Oleg Pretrovsky at the end of the Omega DLC. Note, you will get the same amount in a different category if you spare him.

available as standard. (90 War Assets) Alliance Third Fleet: available as standard. (90 War Assets) -25 War Assets if you saved the Council at the conclusion of ME1 -10 War Assets if Balak is killed during the Citadel: Batarian Codes quest +25 if you scan Parag, which is in the Ming system of the Gemini Sigma cluster +15 for scanning Norehsa in the Qertassi system of the Nubian Expanse -4 War Assets if you allow Private Talavi to be transferred

available as standard. (90 War Assets) Alliance Fifth Fleet: available as standard. (90 War Assets) -25 War Assets if you saved the council at the conclusion of ME1 +15 War Assets for scanning the planet Asteria in the Hekate system of Hades Nexus cluster +8 War Assets for completing Citadel: Improved Power Grid +8 War Assets for completing Citadel: Cerberus Ciphers +7 War Assets for activating Civilian Consultant Authorization at the Spectre Terminal +5 War Assets for a Renegade response in an interview with Diana Allers after Priority: The Citadel II

available as standard. (90 War Assets) Alliance Sixth Fleet: rewarded for completing Priority: Horizon (90 War Assets)

rewarded for completing Priority: Horizon (90 War Assets) Alliance Cruiser Shanghai: scan Terra Nova in the Asgard system of the Exodus Cluster (40 War Assets)

scan Terra Nova in the Asgard system of the Exodus Cluster (40 War Assets) Alliance Frigate Normandy SR-2: available by default. (50 War Assets) +65 War Assets total for buying all three of the Mass Effect 2 ship upgrades in that game +70 War Assets possible from the Citadel DLC missions

available by default. (50 War Assets) Alliance Naval Exploration Flotilla: scan the planet Tyr in the Asgard region of the Exodus cluster (75 War Assets)

scan the planet Tyr in the Asgard region of the Exodus cluster (75 War Assets) Alliance Spec Ops Team Delta: scan the planet Loki in the Asgard System, which is in the Exodus Cluster (35 War Assets)

scan the planet Loki in the Asgard System, which is in the Exodus Cluster (35 War Assets) Arcturus First Division: complete the N7: Cerberus Abductions mission (60 War Assets)

complete the N7: Cerberus Abductions mission (60 War Assets) Ashley Williams: if she survived ME1, and the events on the Citadel in ME3, you can either keep Ashley as a squadmate or send her to become a war asset (25 War Assets)

if she survived ME1, and the events on the Citadel in ME3, you can either keep Ashley as a squadmate or send her to become a war asset (25 War Assets) Biotic Company: complete Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation and choose to send the students to the front lines of the war. The students will die, but you get more points (75 War Assets)

complete Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation and choose to send the students to the front lines of the war. The students will die, but you get more points (75 War Assets) Communications Arrays: complete the N7: Communication Hub quest (50 War Assets)

complete the N7: Communication Hub quest (50 War Assets) Diana Allers: recruit her to board the Normandy on the Citadel (5 War Assets)

recruit her to board the Normandy on the Citadel (5 War Assets) Dr. Karin Chakwas: if you leave Chakwas on the Citadel, she becomes a war asset. (10 War Assets)

if you leave Chakwas on the Citadel, she becomes a war asset. (10 War Assets) Eden Prime Support: this is a war asset reward for completing the Eden prime DLC mission that leads to the Prothean squadmate. The amount varies depending on how many pieces of Intel you find during Eden Prime: Resistance Movement. (25 - 100 War Assets)

this is a war asset reward for completing the Eden prime DLC mission that leads to the Prothean squadmate. The amount varies depending on how many pieces of Intel you find during Eden Prime: Resistance Movement. (25 - 100 War Assets) Jack: your ME2 squadmate. She must have survived the events of ME2, of course, and in ME3 you must complete the Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation mission (25 War Assets)

your ME2 squadmate. She must have survived the events of ME2, of course, and in ME3 you must complete the Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation mission (25 War Assets) Kahlee Sanders: you might not know this, but Kahlee is the protagonist of several Mass Effect books. She becomes a war asset if you complete Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation (15 War Assets) +5 War Assets if the student Jason also survived Grissom Academy’s evacuation +5 War Assets if all the students are saved +5 War Assets if you completed the Overlord DLC in ME2 and stopped the project

you might not know this, but Kahlee is the protagonist of several Mass Effect books. She becomes a war asset if you complete Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation (15 War Assets) Kaidan Alenko: if he survived ME1, and the events on the Citadel in ME3, you can either keep Kaidan as a squadmate or send him to become a war asset (25 War Assets)

if he survived ME1, and the events on the Citadel in ME3, you can either keep Kaidan as a squadmate or send him to become a war asset (25 War Assets) Kasumi Goto: your ME2 squadmate. If she survived ME2 and was loyal, she’ll join the war effort at the end of Citadel: Hanar Diplomat (25 War Assets)

your ME2 squadmate. If she survived ME2 and was loyal, she’ll join the war effort at the end of Citadel: Hanar Diplomat (25 War Assets) Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani: use a paragon interrupt in the interview when you visit the Citadel (5 War Assets) +5 War Assets if you never punched her in ME1 or ME2

use a paragon interrupt in the interview when you visit the Citadel (5 War Assets) Leviathan DLC Assets: these assets are only available as part of the events & locations of the Leviathan DLC-

these assets are only available as part of the events & locations of the Leviathan DLC- Dr. Ann Bryson: if Bryson survives without being indoctrinated, which requires a renegade path, she becomes an asset (20 War Assets)

if Bryson survives without being indoctrinated, which requires a renegade path, she becomes an asset (20 War Assets) Synthdiamond Heat Sinks: scan the planet Bres in the Balor system of Caleston Rift, unlocked by the Leviathan DLC (25 War Assets)

scan the planet Bres in the Balor system of Caleston Rift, unlocked by the Leviathan DLC (25 War Assets) Mineral Resources: worth a varying amount depending on how much of each resource you had left over at the end of ME2. (10, 25, or 100 War Assets)

worth a varying amount depending on how much of each resource you had left over at the end of ME2. (10, 25, or 100 War Assets) N7 Special Ops Team: this war asset is awarded for promoting a fully-leveled multiplayer character to the story mode. It’s 75 war assets per promotion, and persists across multiple save files. (75 War Assets)

this war asset is awarded for promoting a fully-leveled multiplayer character to the story mode. It’s 75 war assets per promotion, and persists across multiple save files. (75 War Assets) Rogue Fighter Pilots: complete the personal storyline of Cortez aboard the Normandy. Talk to him as often as you can (20 War Assets)

complete the personal storyline of Cortez aboard the Normandy. Talk to him as often as you can (20 War Assets) Zaeed Massani: your ME2 squadmate. If he survived ME2 and was loyal, complete Citadel: Volus Ambassador and then speak to Zaeed at the Citadel docks (25 War Assets)

your ME2 squadmate. If he survived ME2 and was loyal, complete Citadel: Volus Ambassador and then speak to Zaeed at the Citadel docks (25 War Assets) Zhu’s Hope Colonists: a reward for if you saved the people of Zhu’s Hope and spared Shiala the Asari on Feros in ME1 (30 War Assets)

Asari War Assets

Asari Commandos: complete the Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery side mission (20 War Assets)

complete the Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery side mission (20 War Assets) Asari Cruiser Cybaen: scan planet Tevura in the Parnitha region of Athena Nebula (30 War Assets)

scan planet Tevura in the Parnitha region of Athena Nebula (30 War Assets) Asari Cruiser Nefrane scan the planet Pronoia in the Tomaros region of the Athena Nebula (30 War Assets)

scan the planet Pronoia in the Tomaros region of the Athena Nebula (30 War Assets) Asari Engineers: scan Trikalon in the Ialessa region of the Athena Nebula (30 War Assets)

scan Trikalon in the Ialessa region of the Athena Nebula (30 War Assets) Asari Research Ships: scan Egalic in the Orisoni system of the Athena Nebula (35 War Assets)

scan Egalic in the Orisoni system of the Athena Nebula (35 War Assets) Asari Science Team: awarded automatically after Priority: The Citadel II (90 War Assets)

awarded automatically after Priority: The Citadel II (90 War Assets) Asari Second Fleet: awarded automatically after Priority: The Citadel II (90 War Assets) +25 War Assets for having Liara talk to Matriarch Aethyta on the Citadel before starting Priority: Tuchanka +8 War Assets for completing Citadel: Reaper Code Fragments

awarded automatically after Priority: The Citadel II (90 War Assets) Asari Sixth Fleet: awarded automatically after Priority: The Citadel II (90 War Assets) +40 War Assets for completing Nimbus Cluster: Library of Asha

awarded automatically after Priority: The Citadel II (90 War Assets) Armali Sniper Unit: scan the planet of Yasilium in the Loropi system of the Silean Nebula (30 War Assets)

scan the planet of Yasilium in the Loropi system of the Silean Nebula (30 War Assets) Destiny Ascension: the crown jewel of the Citadel Fleet, is is only a war asset if it survived the end of ME1, where you had to choose to save it or not. (70 War Assets)

the crown jewel of the Citadel Fleet, is is only a war asset if it survived the end of ME1, where you had to choose to save it or not. (70 War Assets) Dr Jelize: scan the planet of Hanalei in the Kypladon system of the Silean Nebula (25 War Assets)

scan the planet of Hanalei in the Kypladon system of the Silean Nebula (25 War Assets) Husk Neural Map: scan the planet of Chalkhos in the Mil system of the Sigurd’s Cradle cluster. This is only available with the Leviathan DLC (30 War Assets)

scan the planet of Chalkhos in the Mil system of the Sigurd’s Cradle cluster. This is only available with the Leviathan DLC (30 War Assets) Samara: your ME2 squadmate. Becomes an asset after completing the Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery mission… so long as she suvived that mission, and also survived ME2. It has to be Samara that survives ME2 also, not Morinth (25 War Assets)

your ME2 squadmate. Becomes an asset after completing the Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery mission… so long as she suvived that mission, and also survived ME2. It has to be Samara that survives ME2 also, not Morinth (25 War Assets) Serrice Guard: scan the planet Hyetiana in the Nahuala system of the Silean Nebula (30 War Assets)

Crucible War Assets

Advanced AI Relays: rewarded if you side with Admiral Xen during her argument with Tali about escape pods (40 War Assets)

rewarded if you side with Admiral Xen during her argument with Tali about escape pods (40 War Assets) Advanced Power Relays: scan Camaron in the Gorgon system of the Argos Rho cluster (50 War Assets)

scan Camaron in the Gorgon system of the Argos Rho cluster (50 War Assets) Advanced Starship Fuel: complete the N7: Fuel Reactors side quest (75 War Assets)

complete the N7: Fuel Reactors side quest (75 War Assets) Dark Energy Dissertation: during the Citadel: Medi Gel Sabotage mission, talk to familiar face Conrad Verner (1 War Assets) +4 War Assets if you also completed these quests in ME1 - UNC: Asari Writings, Feros: Data Recovery, and purchased the Elkoss Combine Armony License

during the Citadel: Medi Gel Sabotage mission, talk to familiar face Conrad Verner (1 War Assets) Element Zero Converter: scan Farlas in the Micah system of the Vallhallan Threshold (50 War Assets)

scan Farlas in the Micah system of the Vallhallan Threshold (50 War Assets) Emergency Fuel Pods: scan Elohi in the Micah region of the Vallhallan Threshold (30 War Assets)

scan Elohi in the Micah region of the Vallhallan Threshold (30 War Assets) ExoGeni Scientists: scan the planet Feros in the Thessus system of Attican Beta to meet these old ME1 friends (40 War Assets)

scan the planet Feros in the Thessus system of Attican Beta to meet these old ME1 friends (40 War Assets) Haptic Optics Array: scan the planet Canrum in the Hydra region of the Argos Rho cluster

scan the planet Canrum in the Hydra region of the Argos Rho cluster Interferometric Array: scan the planet Eletania in the Hercules system of the Attican Beta cluster (45 War Assets)

scan the planet Eletania in the Hercules system of the Attican Beta cluster (45 War Assets) Javelin Missile Launchers: scan the planet Watson, which is in the Skepsis system of the Sigurd’s Cradle cluster (50 War Assets)

scan the planet Watson, which is in the Skepsis system of the Sigurd’s Cradle cluster (50 War Assets) Leviathan DLC Assets: these war assets can only be accessed in regions unlocked by the Leviathan DLC- Jovian Dissertation: scan the planet of Isale in the Nariph region of the Pylos Nebula (5 War Assets) Radiation Shielding Sheath: scan Sineus in the Dirada system of the Pylos Nebula (25 War Assets)

these war assets can only be accessed in regions unlocked by the Leviathan DLC- Optimized Eezo Capacitors: use your Spectre status to pardon Kenneth Donnelly and Gabriella Daniels, bringing them to work on the Normandy again. They must have survived ME2. Then, complete the Citadel: GX12 Thermal Pipe mission (15 War Assets)

use your Spectre status to pardon Kenneth Donnelly and Gabriella Daniels, bringing them to work on the Normandy again. They must have survived ME2. Then, complete the Citadel: GX12 Thermal Pipe mission (15 War Assets) Prothean Data Files: scan the planet Zion in the Utopia system of the Exodus cluster (75 War Assets)

scan the planet Zion in the Utopia system of the Exodus cluster (75 War Assets) Reaper Brain: recieved automatically towards the end of the game if you saved the Collector Base in ME2. It makes unlocking one type of ending easier (110 War Assets)

recieved automatically towards the end of the game if you saved the Collector Base in ME2. It makes unlocking one type of ending easier (110 War Assets) Reaper Heart: recieved automatically towards the end of the game if you destroyed the Collector Base in ME2. It makes unlocking one type of ending easier (100 War Assets)

recieved automatically towards the end of the game if you destroyed the Collector Base in ME2. It makes unlocking one type of ending easier (100 War Assets) Shadow Broker Starship Tech: scan the planet Alingon of the Faryar system in the Hourglass Nebula (50 War Assets)

scan the planet Alingon of the Faryar system in the Hourglass Nebula (50 War Assets) Terminus Freighters: scan Zanethu in the Ploitari region of the Hourglass Nebula (30 War Assets)

scan Zanethu in the Ploitari region of the Hourglass Nebula (30 War Assets) Volus Engineering Team: san the planet Nalisin in the Satu Arrd system of the Aethon Cluster (50 War Assets)

san the planet Nalisin in the Satu Arrd system of the Aethon Cluster (50 War Assets) Volus Fabrication Units: scan the planet of Cherk Sab, in the Aru system of the Aethon Cluster (45 War Assets)

Ex-Cerberus War Assets

Advanced Fighter Squadron: complete the N7: Cerberus Fighter Base side mission (75 War Assets)

complete the N7: Cerberus Fighter Base side mission (75 War Assets) Cerberus Research Data: complete the N7: Cerberus Lab side mission (50 War Assets)

complete the N7: Cerberus Lab side mission (50 War Assets) Dr. Brynn Cole: complete the Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists mission (25 War Assets)

complete the Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists mission (25 War Assets) Dr. Gavin Archer : must have completed the Overlord DLC mission in ME2, and the Grissom Academy and Ex-Cerberus Scientists missions in ME3 (25 War Assets)

must have completed the Overlord DLC mission in ME2, and the Grissom Academy and Ex-Cerberus Scientists missions in ME3 (25 War Assets) Ex-Cerberus Engineers: you must ahave invited Kelly to dinner in Mass Effect 2, and she must survive the suicide mission. Then, in ME3, convince her to change her identity, and don’t be angry/renegade at her (10 War Assets)

you must ahave invited Kelly to dinner in Mass Effect 2, and she must survive the suicide mission. Then, in ME3, convince her to change her identity, and don’t be angry/renegade at her (10 War Assets) Jacob Taylor: your ME2 squadmate. If he survived the suciide mission, you must simply complete Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists in ME3 (25 War Assets)

your ME2 squadmate. If he survived the suciide mission, you must simply complete Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists in ME3 (25 War Assets) Miranda Lawson: your ME2 squadmate. If she survived that game, you’ll meet her in Priority: Horizon. If she survives that, she becomes a war asset (25 War Assets)

your ME2 squadmate. If she survived that game, you’ll meet her in Priority: Horizon. If she survives that, she becomes a war asset (25 War Assets) Cerberus Escapees: this war asset is linked to the mobile spin-off game Mass Effect: Infiltrator, and is not obtainable in modern versions of the game. Originally it would reward between 40 and 120 War Assets.

Geth War Assets

Unless you have an exceptionally high paragon or renegade score and/or made certain choices in the past games, you may be forced to choose between the Quarians or the Geth, which might mean these assets disappear.

Geth Corps: rewarded after completing Priority: Rannoch, depending on the decisions you make. Under certain circumstances, this war asset simply disappears (300 War Assets)

rewarded after completing Priority: Rannoch, depending on the decisions you make. Under certain circumstances, this war asset simply disappears (300 War Assets) Geth Fleet: rewarded after Priority: Rannoch, depending on the decisions you make. Under certain circumstances, this war asset simply disappears (300 War Assets) +150 War Assets if you rewrote the Geth Heretics during Legion’s ME2 loyalty mission -150 War Assets if the Geth Heretics were destroyed during Legion’s ME2 loyalty mission

rewarded after Priority: Rannoch, depending on the decisions you make. Under certain circumstances, this war asset simply disappears (300 War Assets) Geth Prime Platoon: rewarded after Priority: Rannoch if you also completed Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons and get a positive outcome for the Geth (60 War Assets)

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Krogan War Assets

The Krogan assets are in combat with the Salarian ones - and it’s basically impossible to fully please both parties. So it won’t be possible to get all of both, but a Shepard who approaches the Krogan and Salarian missions carefully will be able to maximize their gains.

Aralakh Company: complete the Attican Traverse: Krogan Team side mission (25 War Assets) Grunt: your ME2 squadmate. Grunt must survive the suicide mission, and then survive the ME3 side mission in which he appears, Attican Traverse: Krogan Team (25 War Assets) +25 War Assets if Grunt is Loyal from ME2 -15 War Assets if the Rachnit Breeder or Queen is saved.

complete the Attican Traverse: Krogan Team side mission (25 War Assets) Clan Urdnot: complete Priority: Tuchanka. If Wrex is the clan leader and the cure is sabotaged, Wrex will find out and this asset will be removed (300 War Assets)

complete Priority: Tuchanka. If Wrex is the clan leader and the cure is sabotaged, Wrex will find out and this asset will be removed (300 War Assets) Krogan Clans: if the Genopage is cured or the Krogans are fooled into thinking it is during Priority: Tuchanka (300 War Assets) -250 War Assets if you don’t first complete Tuchanka: Bomb -50 War Assets if you destroyed Maelon’s data during Mordin’s ME2 loyalty mission +40 War Assets for completing Citadel: Kakliosaur Fossil

if the Genopage is cured or the Krogans are fooled into thinking it is during Priority: Tuchanka (300 War Assets) Krogan First Division: complete the N7: Cerberus Attack side mission (50 War Assets)

complete the N7: Cerberus Attack side mission (50 War Assets) Krogan Mercenaries: if you cure the Genophage with Wreav as leader instead of Wrex, you get this (75 War Assets)

if you cure the Genophage with Wreav as leader instead of Wrex, you get this (75 War Assets) Urdnot Wreav: if Wrex was killed on Virmire in ME1, Wreav replaces him as a war asset (25 War Assets)

if Wrex was killed on Virmire in ME1, Wreav replaces him as a war asset (25 War Assets) Urdnot Wrex: Wrex must survive Virmire in ME1. This war asset is deleted if the genophage cure gets sabotaged - Wreav can be fooled, but Wrex always finds you out (30 War Assets)

Quarian War Assets

The Quarian War Assets are tied up with the Geth - if you get a particularly bad or one-sided outcome from their showdown in Rannoch, you might lose all of the assets from one side. If you navigate things carefully, you can keep all assets from both sides.

Amiral Daro’Xen: if you get a good outcome for the Quarians from Priority: Rannoch, you get this asset (25 War Assets)

if you get a good outcome for the Quarians from Priority: Rannoch, you get this asset (25 War Assets) Admiral Zaal’Koris: complete the Rannoch: Admiral Koris side mission (25 War Assets)

complete the Rannoch: Admiral Koris side mission (25 War Assets) Quarian Civilian Fleet: rewarded after Priority: Rannoch, if the Quarians get a good outcome (200 War Assets) -75 War Assets if you didn’t rescue Admiral Zaal’Koris -25 War Assets if you didn’t first finish Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons -50 War Assets if the Geth Heretics were rewritten during Legion’s ME2 loyalty mission +50 War Assets if the Geth Heretics were destroyed during Legion’s ME2 loyalty mission

rewarded after Priority: Rannoch, if the Quarians get a good outcome (200 War Assets) Quarian Heavy Fleet: added after Priority: Rannoch, so long as the Quarians survive it (200 War Assets) -10 War Assets if you support Admiral Raan +25 War Assets if you support Admiral Gerrel -50 War Assets if the Geth Heretics were rewritten during Legion’s ME2 loyalty mission +50 War Assets if the Geth Heretics were destroyed during Legion’s ME2 loyalty mission

added after Priority: Rannoch, so long as the Quarians survive it (200 War Assets) Quarian Patrol Fleet: added after Priority: Rannoch, depending on the outcome (200 War Assets) -50 War Assets if the Geth Heretics were rewritten during Legion’s ME2 loyalty mission +50 War Assets if the Geth Heretics were destroyed during Legion’s ME2 loyalty mission

added after Priority: Rannoch, depending on the outcome (200 War Assets)

Salarian War Assets

Some of the key Salarian War assets will depend heavily on your actions on Tuchanka, where you will to an extent be forced to make a decision between them and the Krogan.

Dr. Mordin Solus: Mordin must survive ME2, and then you must convince him to sabotage the cure during Priority: Tuchanka. Then he becomes a war asset (25 War Assets)

Mordin must survive ME2, and then you must convince him to sabotage the cure during Priority: Tuchanka. Then he becomes a war asset (25 War Assets) Major Kirrahe: hold the line! Kirrahe must survive ME1. He must then also not be killed in ME3, which only happens if Thane survived ME2 and is spoken to aboard the Citadel before Priority: Citadel II (20 War Assets)

hold the line! Kirrahe must survive ME1. He must then also not be killed in ME3, which only happens if Thane survived ME2 and is spoken to aboard the Citadel before Priority: Citadel II (20 War Assets) Salarian First Fleet: do as the Salarians ask and sabotage the Genophage cure in Priority: Tuchanka. Warning, this puts your Krogan war assets at risk (150 War Assets)

do as the Salarians ask and sabotage the Genophage cure in Priority: Tuchanka. Warning, this puts your Krogan war assets at risk (150 War Assets) Salarian Third Fleet: you must have saved the council & Destiny Ascension during ME1’s ending. You must also make sure the Salarian Councilor survives the assassination attempt during ME3 (125 War Assets) +8 War Assets for completiung Citadel: Heating Unit Stablizers

you must have saved the council & Destiny Ascension during ME1’s ending. You must also make sure the Salarian Councilor survives the assassination attempt during ME3 (125 War Assets) Salarian Special Tasks Group: if Kirrahe died in ME1, you can speak to Tolan when undertaking Priority: Sur’Kesh (35 War Assets)

if Kirrahe died in ME1, you can speak to Tolan when undertaking Priority: Sur’Kesh (35 War Assets) STG Task Force: you must have let the council die and Destiny Ascension be destroyed in ME1, but then prevent the Salarian Councilor from being killed in ME3 (70 War Assets)

Turian War Assets

Mass Effect Legendary Edition mission order guide

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Looking for the best Mass Effect mission order for your Legendary Edition playthrough? In each game there are several main quests which take place on different planets, and these can be done in any order you like. Eventually, you unlock a clearly signposted final mission which serves as the ‘point of no return’. After this, you’re no longer able to complete other quests, meaning you might be locked out of the best endings if you haven’t been thorough enough in your questing.

Making sure you’ve completed all the quests you need before embarking on the final mission is essential, but when it comes to playing through the main game prior to this point, you can either decide for yourself which planets to visit first, or you can consult the wisdom of seasoned players who have put together recommended mission order lists for each game.

This includes recommendations on which crewmates to take with you on missions where they have unique voice lines, information on small changes that might arise if you fulfil prerequisites before a mission, and even advice to help the games’ narrative ‘flow’ better. We’ve also got tips on when to play Mass Effect DLC missions. Here’s our recommended Mass Effect Legendary Edition mission order list.

Mass Effect 1 mission order

The recommended Mass Effect 1 mission order is:




We recommend you head to Therum first to grab Liara. If you leave her recruitment until after Feros and Noveria, she suffers from the length of her imprisonment, and will initially treat you and your squad as hallucinations. Leave Therum until after Virmire, and she will be in a significantly worse condition when you arrive. This also prevents her from becoming a Mass Effect Legendary Edition romance option in the first game, as there isn’t enough time to get friendly with her.

If you want to see her alternate scenes, we recommend leaving her until last on a second playthrough. Poor Liara.

Whether you complete Feros or Noveria first is really up to you, although Noveria is easier, and Feros has a particularly tricky charm/intimidate check. The companions you bring are also up to you, though we recommend bringing Liara and Wrex to Noveria – Wrex has a lot to say, and Liara should be there for plot reasons.

You can complete the Bring Down the Sky Mass Effect 1 DLC as soon as you leave the Citadel for the first time – complete this whenever you feel like it.

The Virmire mission is the point of no return, so make sure you’ve completed as many side missions as possible, particularly Wrex’s Family Armor quest.

Mass Effect 2 mission order

The recommended Mass Effect 2 mission order is as follows. First, we will cover the recruitment missions. Some characters have unique dialogue in these missions, so to hear the most unique content, you should make sure you’re able to take them with you.

Mass Effect 2 recruitment order:

Dossier the Veteran

Dossier the Master Thief

Dossier the Professor – Zaeed and Kasumi have extra dialogue

– Zaeed and Kasumi have extra dialogue Dossier the Warlord – Mordin has unique dialogue here

– Mordin has unique dialogue here Dossier Archangel – Grunt and Zaeed have substantial unique dialogue

– Grunt and Zaeed have substantial unique dialogue Dossier the Convict – Miranda and Grunt have unique dialogue, as does Garrus

– Miranda and Grunt have unique dialogue, as does Garrus Dossier Tali

Dossier the Assassin – Garrus has unique dialogue

– Garrus has unique dialogue Dossier the Justicar – Thane has some unique dialogue

We recommend doing Horizon at any point after getting Garrus, and bringing Miranda.

Mass Effect 2 loyalty mission order:

Mordin – Garrus and Tali both have unique dialogue here

– Garrus and Tali both have unique dialogue here Grunt – there is no unique dialogue, but you may want Mordin for the story

– there is no unique dialogue, but you may want Mordin for the story Jacob – Mordin has unique dialogue here

– Mordin has unique dialogue here Thane – Tali and Garrus both have unique dialogue

– Tali and Garrus both have unique dialogue Garrus



Kasumi – this mission has unique dialogue depending on how far you’ve progressed through the game

– this mission has unique dialogue depending on how far you’ve progressed through the game Miranda – Jack has some unique dialogue, but it’s a little uncomfortable bringing her

– Jack has some unique dialogue, but it’s a little uncomfortable bringing her Jack – Miranda has unique dialogue. Leaving this mission until later helps her plotline flow better, too

– Miranda has unique dialogue. Leaving this mission until later helps her plotline flow better, too Tali – Legion has a lot of unique dialogue; leave until after Reaper IFF – see below

– Legion has a lot of unique dialogue; leave until after Reaper IFF – see below Legion – same as above

The other missions – Firewalker, Project Overlord, and Normandy Crash Site – can be completed whenever you feel like breaking up the chain of loyalty missions. Collector Ship automatically triggers five missions after Horizon. Reaper IFF is the point of no return, after which a timer begins. You have enough time to complete two more missions before incurring major losses, which should be Tali’s loyalty mission, and then Legion’s loyalty mission, so you can experience their full dialogue. To get the best ME3 ending, it’s important you get rid of the geth heretics. After this, hurry over to the suicide mission, if you know what’s good for you.

Wondering when to play the ME2 DLC? We recommend saving Lair of the Shadow Broker and Arrival until after the final mission. This way, you can unlock all of Legion’s conversations, also allowing you to get the appropriate response from Liara if you romanced her in the first game and someone else in ME2. Feel free to play LotSB earlier, though, if you miss her.

Mass Effect 3 mission order

Our recommended Mass Effect 3 mission order is as follows – this guide presumes that all your squadmates survive ME2. You can swap a few of these around depending on how you feel you should prioritise – we’ll signpost the most important missions to complete before moving on. Every companion has unique dialogue in each mission, but we’ll mention the ones that we recommend for plot or utility reasons.

Priority: Earth

Priority: Mars

Priority: Citadel I

From Ashes Mass Effect 3 DLC – Priority: Eden Prime – to recruit a new squadmate

– to recruit a new squadmate Priority: Palaven – James, Garrus, and Liara are good companions here

– James, Garrus, and Liara are good companions here N7: Cerberus Lab

Priority: Sur’Kesh – Garrus and Liara

– Garrus and Liara Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation – Garrus and EDI. This must be completed before Priority: Citadel II

At this point, we recommend you head to the Citadel and talk to everyone, so you don’t miss out – particularly Thane, Liara, Kelly, Miranda, and Jondum Bau.

Citadel: Hanar Diplomat

Aria: Blood Pack/Blue Suns/Eclipse

Blood Pack/Blue Suns/Eclipse Tuchanka: Turian Platoon – bring Garrus. Be sure to do this mission before Priority Thessia

– bring Garrus. Be sure to do this mission before Priority Thessia Tuchanka: Bomb – after this unlocks, there’s a time limit; complete three other missions first and it will fail

– after this unlocks, there’s a time limit; complete three other missions first and it will fail Attican Traverse: Krogan Team – Javik and Garrus

– Javik and Garrus N7: Cerberus Attack

N7: Cerberus Abductions

Complete all Citadel side quests before moving on.

Priority: Tuchanka – Javik and Liara

– Javik and Liara Priority: The Citadel II – Javik and Garrus. After the mission is over, be sure to warn Miranda about Kai Leng.

– Javik and Garrus. After the mission is over, be sure to warn Miranda about Kai Leng. Citadel: Volus Ambassador

Citadel: Batarian Codes

Mesana: Distress Signal

Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists – Kaidan/Ashley and EDI

– Kaidan/Ashley and EDI N7: Cerberus Fighter Base

Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery – Liara

You can now start a ME3 romance by talking to your squadmates.

Omega Mass Effect 3 DLC: Citadel: Aria T’Loak

N7: Fuel Reactors

Priority: Perseus Veil

Priority: Geth Dreadnought – bring Garrus if you romanced him. If you’re romancing Tali, start your relationship before this mission; if you are romancing her but had a different partner in ME1, bring your ME1 love interest to this mission

– bring Garrus if you romanced him. If you’re romancing Tali, start your relationship before this mission; if you are romancing her but had a different partner in ME1, bring your ME1 love interest to this mission Rannoch: Admiral Koris – Tali and EDI. You must do this mission before Priority Rannoch

– Tali and EDI. You must do this mission before Priority Rannoch Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons – Tali

We recommend visiting the Citadel again at this point.

Priority: Rannoch – to pass the final conversation check, both Tali and Legion must be alive and loyal, Tali must not have been exiled, and you must have passed the check during their ME2 argument. You must have completed Geth Fighter Squadrons, saved Koris, and have four bars of Reputation

– to pass the final conversation check, both Tali and Legion must be alive and loyal, Tali must not have been exiled, and you must have passed the check during their ME2 argument. You must have completed Geth Fighter Squadrons, saved Koris, and have four bars of Reputation Priority: Citadel III . Finish any Citadel side missions after this

. Finish any Citadel side missions after this Priority : Thessia – Javik and Liara

– Javik and Liara N7: Communication Hub

Priority: Horizon. For the best outcome, you must have spoken to Miranda three times, warned her about Kai Leng, and given her Alliance resources

For the best outcome, you must have spoken to Miranda three times, warned her about Kai Leng, and given her Alliance resources Leviathan Mass Effect 4 DLC: Citadel: Dr. Bryson

Mahavid – bring your love interest

– bring your love interest Namaki

Despoina – bring your love interest

– bring your love interest Citadel Mass Effect 3 DLC – Citadel: Shore Leave – leaving it till last means everyone can attend the party

– leaving it till last means everyone can attend the party Silver Coast Casino Infiltration – bring your love interest, Wrex, or Javik.

– bring your love interest, Wrex, or Javik. Citadel Archives: Escape – EDI and Wrex

– EDI and Wrex Citadel Docks: Retake the Normandy – Wrex and Ashley or Kaidan

– Wrex and Ashley or Kaidan Citadel: Party

Priority: Cerberus Headquarters – this is the point of no return

– this is the point of no return Priority: Earth

And there you go – time to make a new Shepard with our Mass Effect face codes guide and start the whole thing all over again, maybe this time with some Mass Effect Legendary Edition mods.

Mass Effect 3 Mission Order: best sequence for all priority, DLC and side quests

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Mass Effect 3 Mission Order: best sequence for all priority, DLC and side quests

Due to the very nature of its storyline, Mass Effect 3 is without a doubt the most linear of the original Mass Effect trilogy - but there’s still a bit of freedom in how and when you tackle its missions, which can only mean one thing… Like with its predecessors, we have thoughts on the optimum mission order for Mass Effect 3.

Interestingly, this mission order differs from our suggested ME1 Mission Order and optimum ME2 Mission Order in one key way - and that’s that there are a few missions in ME3 where if you don’t complete them at the right time, you can have major negative consequences for classic beloved characters. ME3 is a sprawling game that takes into account lots of the choices and consequences from across the trilogy, too - so some of your options will be based on your actions in the previous games.

In this guide, we naturally offer up our suggested mission order for ME3 to give the best story flow throughout - though as always, remember that this is only a suggestion - go with your gut!

Mass Effect 3 Mission Order: the best sequence to take with Priority, DLC and Side Quests

Generally speaking, a good rule of thumb for the Mass Effect 3 mission order is this: any missions marked ‘Priority’ are not actually a priority. Priority Missions are major story missions, and therefore never expire. However, several of the side quests you get are time limited, and often advancing the next Priority Mission in the chain can close and lock off already open or as-yet unfound side quests.

So: scan planets, visit the Citadel, and talk to everybody you can in between each and every Priority Mission. Exhaust all options - then do the next priority quest.

Beyond that, we also have some broad suggestions in this guide on the order in which you should tackle ME3’s various stories. Especially for DLC, some missions that unlock right from the start of the game, or halfway through, are best suited to be saved until the very end. Because of the sheer size of ME3 and number of points, we’ve broken the game into 3 acts, separated by the 3 major ‘state-changing’ events that happen on the Citadel every so often.

Your choice of squad mates won’t impact mission progression, but some of your friends have more interesting things to say on some missions than others. If you want help picking who to take on each mission, check our guide on the best squad for each mission in ME3.

The only other thing to mention is War Assets, the currency that helps to determine what ending you get in Mass Effect 3. All of this is detailed in full in our ME3 endings guide, but the short version is this: your war assets determine how many of ME3’s ending choices you’ll have.This varies depending on version; around 3100 Effective Military Strength will do in the original extended cut version. In Legendary Edition you’ll need around 8000 of the Total Military Strength stat that version has instead instead..

Mass Effect 3 Mission Order - Part 1

Prologue: Earth, Priority: Mars, and Priority: The Citadel I: these three missions will follow sequentially at the very start of the game. Simply play them one after the other to be introduced to the basic concepts of Mass Effect 3, including how it differs from its predecessors. There’s some small notes about this trio of missions: The tone you take with Ashley or Kaiden (whoever is alive) on Mars will impact their attitude later in the game - if you reassure them with Paragon prompts, they will be more likely to trust you later. If you choose Intimidate, they will be distrusting of you, which can have grave consequences later.

When talking to The Illusive Man, you should use the investigate conversation option and then use Charm/Paragon or Intimidate/Renegade dialogue options - this can help to open up some things later on.

On board the Citadel, you’ll be able to recruit friends old and new like Doctors Chakwas and Michel to join the Normandy. Visit everything. You can also recruit Dianna Allers, the reporter, if you wish. Priority: Palaven: head to Palaven to recruit a Turian Primarch, and an old friend, if they survived Mass Effect 2. You can slip in a planet scanning break before or after this mission if you wish. Priority: Eden Prime: this DLC mission unlocks Javik, the only DLC squad mate in ME3. This DLC is included in the Legendary Edition of the game. Despite being DLC, Javik is a fully-featured squad member and has many of the most interesting things to say in many missions of the game thanks to the unique direction he approaches things from. Grissom Academy: Investigation: while this is a side quest, you must complete this quest soon after it first pops or else there will be negative consequences for characters you may like. N7: Cerberus Lab: this side mission unlocks as soon as you’re done with Priority: The Citadel I and get back on the Normandy. Complete this quest, and be sure to loot thoroughly to get some weapon upgrades and a Failed Medi-Gel Experiment that’s used in a side quest. Planet Scanning Break: at this point, take a little time out to go planet scanning in all the regions you can. Right now you should have access to several systems, and more open up regularly as you progress the game. Scanning clusters rewards quests, research items, credits, and war assets - the later of which can of course be vital for obtaining the best ending. Back to the Citadel: this isn’t a Citadel quest, but rather us suggesting you use this time to catch up on things in the Citadel. You’ll be able to meet up with a number of old friends, advancing personal stories with some consequences of your choices in previous games revealed. There’s also shopping, and a number of side quests. Probably the most important single thing to note is that you’ll need to meet with Miranda three times to advance her story, if she survived with ME2 - so take your first meeting here, and keep taking them.

The Citadel: Hanar Diplomat msision appears in this time, and features a returning ME2 cast member where you learn more about the outcome of their loyalty mission. Priority: Sur’kesh: on the planet of Sur’Kesh, try to bring the leaders of various nations to an agreement - and prevent hostilities. Back to the Citadel again: this is an ideal time to just pop back to the Citadel and continue conversations and side quests Tuchanka: Turian Platoon: help a Turian squad that’s crash-landed on Tuchanka. Tuchanka: Bomb: it’s vital you tackle this mission quickly, as failing to do so can have grave consequences later in the game. Attican Traverse: Krogan Team: help a team of Krogan, and make a major choice around the fate of an old friend or foe from ME1. Also, enjoy the return of an ME2 favorite, if they’re alive. N7 Side Quest Time: there’s a few N7 side quests you can grab here, all with the usual mix of combat, goodies to grab, and so on: N7: Cerberus Abductions

N7: Cerberus Attack Back to the Citadel once more: again, you should take this opportunity to return to the Citadel to talk to the various people you can there, browse shops, and complete side quests. This time it’s more critical, as after your next priority mission, events on the Citadel will mean some quests there lock forever. Here’s a few things you should complete: Crew interactions: chatting to Garrus, Vega, Joker, EDI, and Liara aboard the Citadel

Old friends: interactions with Kelly Chambers, Thane, and Miranda (if they’re available)

Side quests: any Citadel quests in your journal, if you can

Recruitment: getting a ship’s doctor to join, Chakwas or Michel

Spectre Terminal: authorize any actions from the terminal that you can Priority: Tuchanka: participate in one of the most momentous missions in the entire Mass Effect trilogy, with many major decisions to make - and with a lot of those decisions dependent on what actions you took in the previous two games, particularly in ME2. Planet Scanning: this is entirely optional, as you can save it for a mission or two, but a bunch of new systems will be available, so you should go scanning to get more war assets, research, and credits.

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Mass Effect 3 Mission Order: Part 2

Priority: Citadel II: after completing the major mission on Tuchanka, you’ll undertake another major mission, this time on the Citadel. As soon as you land on the Citadel next, this will trigger. Citadel Casual Times: after Priority: Citadel II, you can spend time on the Citadel again… and because much has changed, you’ll be able to find new side quests, missions, and characters to talk to. This includes side quests like: Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists: ME2 character cameo

ME2 character cameo Citadel: Volus Ambassador: ME2 character cameo Planet Scanning: Even more planets open up now, so once you leave the Citadel, go tick a few more systems off your list. Side Quest Bonanza: N7: Cerberus Fighter Base

N7: Cerberus Scientists Mesana: Distress Signal / Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery: features an ME2 cast member appearance, if they’re alive. Citadel: Area T’Loak: this is a DLC mission, and it’s a bit different from the others inb the game in that it’s a multi-mission strand that takes you away from your ship and crew. Once you start it, there’s no going back to the Normandy until the whole significant quest is complete, so keep that in mind. Priority: Perseus Veil: it’s now the turn of the Quarians and Geth to have their moment in the ME2 spotlight. If she’s alive, Tali will of course be present. Priority: Geth Dreadnought: next up, infiltrate a Geth Dreadnought as a favor to the Quarian fleet. Citadel Catch-Up: head back to ME3’s main hub once again to talk shop, actually shop, complete side quests, and generally advance its many side stories. Rannoch: Admiral Koris: for the maximum options in the near future, you’ll want to make sure the Admiral is rescued, no matter how much he protests. Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons: complete this mission before triggering the main Rannoch quest, as it will have an impact. Priority: Rannoch: all those Geth and Quarian missions have been leading to this - plus two games’ worth of back-and-forth lore between the two races. To unlock the best result, you must satisfy several conditions across multiple games: Both Tali and Legion must be alive

You must have got the best result from Tali’s loyalty mission

You must have completed Legion’s loyalty mission, and resolved the conflict between Legion & Tali in ME2.

Admiral Koris must have been rescued in Rannoch: Admiral Koris

You must have completed Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons Planet Scanning & Side Quests: use this opportunity to scan any planets and systems you need to, or to complete any side missions you skipped over earlier.

Mass Effect 3 Mission Order: Part 3