布局離岸風場第三階段 Formosa 4深水基樁工程簽約

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(中央社記者曾智怡台北3日電)上緯新能源今天宣布與中興工程顧問社簽約,合作「海盛風場Formosa 4」水下工程,將前進水深55至85公尺的深水區,挑戰台灣現有水深最深的固定式基樁工程設計,盼進一步深化本土離岸風電自主開發的產業實力。

上緯新能源(SRE)指出,有別於國內過往的離岸風場開發案皆位於水深55公尺範圍內,位於苗栗外海的「海盛風場Formosa 4」將挑戰深水區域,進行風機水下基礎建設。




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Taiwan+ to show drama ‘SEQALU: Formosa 1867’ to overseas audience

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CPC Corp and Formosa to raise fuel prices today

![img](https://www.taipeitimes.com/images/2021/08/30/p16-210830-gas prices111.jpg)]

CPC Corp and Formosa to raise fuel prices today

By Chen Cheng-hui / Staff reporter

CPC Corp, Taiwan (CPC, 台灣中油) and Formosa Petrochemical Corp (台塑石化) yesterday announced that they would raise gasoline prices by NT$0.4 per liter and diesel prices by NT$0.1 per liter, effective today.

The companies last week reduced gasoline prices by NT$0.4 per liter and diesel prices by NT$0.3 per liter.

After the latest adjustment, gasoline prices at CPC stations would rise to NT$28, NT$29.5 and NT$31.5 per liter for 92, 95 and 98-octane unleaded gasoline respectively, while the price of premium diesel would increase to NT$25.6 per liter, the company said.

Prices at Formosa’s stations would climb to NT$28, NT$29.4 and NT$31.5 per liter for 92, 95 and 98-octane unleaded gasoline respectively, while the price of premium diesel would rise to NT$25.4 per liter.

CPC said in a statement that the cost of crude oil last week increased 2.32 percent from a week earlier based on its floating oil price formula.

The state-run refiner said the increase reflected positive sentiment in the global oil market after a fire at an offshore oil platform owned by Mexico’s state-run company Petroleos Mexicanos cut its production, and the US Food and Drug Administration approved the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, which is expected to boost the country’s vaccination rollout and help restore economic activity, it added.

Formosa said in a separate statement that the oil market was also supported by US commercial crude inventories falling for the third consecutive week last week and the control of outbreaks of the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 in China.