‘Stop peddling lies about me’: Thulani Dlomo takes on Zizi Kodwa

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Former president Jacob Zuma’s staunch ally and former spy boss Thulani Dlomo has challenged deputy state security minister Zizi Kodwa to prove he is one of 12 alleged instigators behind the unrest in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.

Dlomo emerged on Friday after media reports suggested that he was one of the individuals sought by law enforcement agencies in connection with the riots and looting in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.

Dlomo, who has been out of the public eye for several years, issued a statement denying any involvement in the widespread chaos.

“I am calling upon Mr Kodwa to withdraw his statement and to stop peddling lies about me, failing which I will instruct my attorneys for a claim of significant damages against him personally,” read the statement.

Dlomo is also demanding an apology from News24 and Daily Maverick for allegedly publishing “information without any evidence and which is a blatant lie thus putting my family and myself at risk”.

朱瑪入獄引發暴動 前武裝特工組織可能是主謀

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南非新聞網站「新聞24」(news24)今天引述柯德瓦(Zizi Kodwa)表示,國家情報局指出,此次瓜祖魯那他省(Kwazulu-Natal)與豪登省(Gauteng)大規模暴動、精心策劃破壞經濟、擾亂社會安定,並且從旁大力煽動民眾洗劫商家的幕後核心主謀或許就是MK(uMkhonto we Sizwe)。



根據其他情報來源,國家情報局認為幕後黑手正在計劃襲擊瓜祖魯那他省首府德班(Durban)的港口、自來水廠、變電所,甚至是德班副首席大法官桑多(Raymond Zondo)的家。桑多是朱瑪(Jacob Zuma)貪腐與詐欺案調查委員會的主席。



報導引述情報界1名不願意具名的資深官員表示,種種分析顯示,幕後黑手以自來水廠、切斷燃料供應、破壞食品工廠和醫療供應為目標,這一切都是 MK 培訓的典型特徵。據國家情報局瞭解,幕後黑手正計劃襲擊德班港口和其他地方,進而達到切斷食物供應鏈的目的。

報導指出,備受爭議的前國家安全局暴戾特種作戰部隊負責人德莫(Thulani Dlomo)已被確定為此次策畫並煽動大暴動的主要嫌疑人。眾所周知他是前間諜和駐日本大使,對朱瑪忠心耿耿。


訂閱《國際新聞》電子報 第一手掌握世界最新脈動 請輸入正確的電子信箱格式 請輸入正確的電子信箱格式 訂閱 感謝您的訂閱!

總統府秘書長恩茲哈漢尼(Khumbudzo Ntshavheni)向媒體表示,政府不能隨意宣布誰是幕後黑手,因為如果這麼做便會危及案件的調查和起訴成功。至於德莫是煽動此次國家動亂的主要嫌疑人的指控,國家安全局已經接手處理。

報導指出,總統拉瑪佛沙(Cyril Ramaphosa)已部署5000名軍人應對暴亂,很快還會有5000名士兵駐紮在當地,保護燃料油管與石油不受威脅,以及確保糧食安全。(編輯:高照芬)1100715

Confessions of a dangerous mind, a ‘divinely inspired’…

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Illustrative image | Sources: Jacob Zuma’s spymaster and the former ambassador to Japan, Thulani Dlomo. (Photo: ambtdlomo.com) | Private security. (Photo: Shiraaz Mohammed) | Looters flee from police. (Photo: Felix Dlangamandla | Former president Jacob Zuma. (Photo: Leila Dougan)

“When God delivers a message to a prophet, it is not for the prophet, it is for the people. If you keep the message to yourself, when people perish from their sins without you warning them, without you communicating what God has shared with you, there will be blood on your hands.”

Marianne Thamm Follow Save More

Thus spake Thulani Dlomo in an almost hour-long December 2020 interview with Rudi Page, founder of ONELINK, “a source for global knowledge”, on the publication of Dlomo’s book, The Encounter [not available at most bookstores near you, nor online unless you get it straight from the oracle].

The death toll in a week of violence, mayhem and looting in South Africa since Zuma was cauterised behind bars in Escourt has now reached more than 70. The economic cost? Who knows. The political cost? Still to be tallied in votes sometime in the future at a voting booth near you.

Dlomo was invited to punt his book on Page’s show and spoke as if he were addressing multitudes from a mount.

At some point, he referred to “the many millions who will receive the message”, thanks to Page’s online superspreading. At the time of writing, 15 July 2021, Page’s YouTube post of the interview had clocked 55 hits.

The ambassador spoke animatedly about “the crisis we are facing which points to the end of days.

“It is my desire to get to grips with and understand and not undermine or underestimate the author, but to understand the message.”

Dlomo, the man named by the high-level panel review into the State Security Agency as a rogue agent serving the private and economic interests of former president Jacob Zuma and his elite cronies, claims to “hear the voice of God”.

“It is an amazing experience,” he confessed.

In January, the Zondo Commission heard explosive evidence from witness “Ms K” and others that from at least 2008, Dlomo had floated the idea of an exclusive presidential security support service dedicated solely to intelligence collection “to protect President Jacob Zuma when he came to power”.

Dlomo, who blipped off the radar for some time when no one was sure whether he still worked for the SSA, resurfaced after testimony to the commission, vowing to challenge it. So far, not a peep.

Shortly after taking his oath of office, Zuma signed a proclamation that bypassed Parliament and collapsed five of South Africa’s agencies into the State Security Agency (SSA).

The door was thus kicked open for the creation of an unlawful, parallel, secret security state, funded by public money — much of which remains unaccounted for — and which served Zuma’s personal and political interests for more than a decade.

The abuse occurred uninterrupted during the tenure of three ministers of state security — Siyabonga Cwele, David Mahlobo and Bongani Bongo, and was implemented by Maruti Nosi, Arthur Fraser and Thulani Dlomo.

Dlomo has now been fingered by State Security Minister Ayanda Dlodlo as among those under investigation as possible masterminds behind this week’s attempt to render KwaZulu-Natal and parts of the country ungovernable.

Introducing himself to “the viewers” in 2020, Dlomo double-spun and rinsed his biography, saying: “I grew up in the townships of Durban during difficult times. I had direct experience of brutal apartheid laws which forced me to join the struggle, and later in my life I was the head of counterintelligence in the new dispensation, then ambassador to Japan 2017 and I was recalled in 2019.

“I am now the author of The Encounter, launched in October this year. All possible because of the guidance I receive from God, that is the reason I am grateful.”

Dlomo claimed to now be an “ambassador for God”.

The former ambassador to Japan said he had written the book including quotes from scripture, the “rich history and heritage of the African people”, and “a number of concepts politically and economically”.

We never did quite get to hear what these were.

The reason he was alive today [and presumably also the reason he has managed to evade arrest or questioning, we assume], was because he had “a connection with the force which is your creator… That is the secret I can share”.

Page remarked that the book was “quite detailed, diary-like”, to which Dlomo responded that he wrote the book because “I refuse to bury my talent”.

“When I leave this earth to meet with my creator, I must be empty… there must be nothing in me. I must give everything.”

He avoided being “selfish” by emptying the contents of his head into the pages and did so also to acknowledge “my friends, my colleagues, my comrades, my family and all the agents god used”.

Speaking of agents, the Zondo Commission heard that many of Dlomo’s specially recruited off-the-books agents were still operative. Whether they will now be exposed, cut off from funding and brought to book is anyone’s guess.

Page tapered off the interview by asking Dlomo what the number one lesson he had learned about himself was to those “who would be inspired to lead in future”.

To which Dlomo replied that the book not only emanated from his own experience, interests and desires, “but has the element of the breath of god”.

It was the youth who would most benefit from his prophecies and wisdom, he said.

Of his own life, he wrote “you can move from being an excellency to a nobody but because of humility you will come out an author of a book that you never thought you would write”.

Dlomo urged those listening to “value the lowest point, take note, blame no one, for that is the best moment of your life”. DM