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歐洲議會首份「歐盟–台灣政治關係與合作」報告草案及修正案1日在外交委員會進行表決,在投票的70位議員中,最終獲得60票贊成 、4票反對及6票棄權,可說是壓倒性通過。該報告直言「台灣是歐盟在印太地區的重要合作夥伴和民主盟友」,雙方理念相近,擁有共同的自由、民主、人權和法治價值觀。


此外,歐洲議會外委會1日也通過報告修正案,為充分展現歐盟與台灣充滿活力、多方面和密切合作,建議歐盟駐台的歐洲經濟貿易辦事處(European Economic and Trade Office)名稱更名為歐盟駐台灣辦事處(European Union Office in Taiwan),以反映雙方廣泛合作的關係。

Delighted that the Foreign Affairs Committee overwhelmingly voted in favor of my recommendation on EU-Taiwan relations. Historic day as it’s the first time such a report has been adopted. Preparations for a #BIA need to commence ASAP! pic.twitter.com/X5YibYjh5Z — Charlie Weimers MEP (@weimers) September 1, 2021

負責協調這項報告的瑞典籍的歐洲議員魏莫斯(Charlie Weimers)表示,這份歐洲議會史上首份的歐台關係報告發出一個強烈訊息,即歐盟必須加強與台灣的關係,並尋求與台灣全面加強夥伴關係。他在另一篇推文中說,歐盟的一個小組敦促歐盟加強與台灣的關係。這是一個不斷擴大的民主聯合陣線,支持共同面對一個越來越武斷的中國的最新表現。

歐洲議會友台小組主席蓋勒(Michael Gahler)1日表示,台灣是一個強大民主國家和先進的經濟體,也是印度太平洋地區的重要夥伴和盟友,歐盟應加強與台灣的關係,呼籲歐盟執委會儘早與台灣啟談「雙邊投資協定」(BIA),他另強調中國須停止對台灣的軍事威脅。

#Taiwan is key partner and democratic ally in the Indo-Pacific on its own merit as a robust democracy and technologically advanced economy. China needs to desist from its military belligerence and pressure against it, while the EU should intensify its relations with Taiwan — Michael Gahler (@gahler_michael) September 1, 2021



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《TAIPEI TIMES》 EU group advances Taiwan proposal

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Chair of Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament David McAllister, center, speaks at the European Parliament in Brussels on Wednesday. Photo: EPA-EFE

2021/09/03 03:00

PROMOTING PEACE: A report recommended that the EU work to establish bilateral investment and play a larger role in helping to maintain peace in the Taiwan Strait

By Wu Su-wei and Jonathan Chin / Staff reporter, with staff writer

The European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs on Wednesday approved proposals that urge the EU to bolster political ties with Taiwan and rename its European Economic and Trade Office the “EU Office in Taiwan.”

EU lawmakers passed the EU-Taiwan Political Relations and Cooperation report and related proposals in a 60-4 vote, with six members abstaining.

The report is to be brought to the floor of the European Parliament next month. It expresses concern over China’s saber-rattling, and calls on Beijing to cease any action that jeopardizes peace in the Taiwan Strait and not to upset the “status quo” without Taipei’s consent.

The report recommended that the EU initiate work on a bilateral investment agreement with Taiwan and hold talks with the country at the highest official levels.

The EU should play a larger role in international initiatives that maintain peace across the Strait and improve Taiwan’s democracy, while making it a strategic partner in the Indo-Pacific region, it said.

The report condemned China’s trade embargo on Lithuania and recommended that the EU support the Baltic state in the dispute.

In Taipei, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement yesterday thanked the committee, saying that the nation looks forward to more milestones in Taiwan-EU ties.

The ministry would closely monitor the European Parliament’s upcoming vote, it said, adding that the report marked the 10th anniversary of a visa-waiver agreement between Taiwan and the EU.

“Taiwan and the EU share the core values of democracy, freedom and human rights as like-minded partners,” it said.

That Taiwan and Lithuania plan to establish representative offices in each other’s capitals is the best illustration of improved relations between Taiwan and the EU, as well as its member states, it said.

“Taiwan does not back down from intimidation and will stand up for the democratic beliefs of the EU, the US, Japan and other like-minded partners,” it added.

The Chinese Mission to the EU issued a statement saying that the bloc had contravened its “one China” principle and betrayed the trust underlying the two entities’ relations.

EU lawmakers should “immediately correct their erroneous speech and action to protect the political foundation of China-EU relations,” Beijing said.

At a news conference in Taipei, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) said passage of the report marks a “historic leap” in Taiwan-Europe ties.

The nation should be gladdened by support in the European Parliament for Taiwan’s inclusion in the international community and the resolution for bilateral economic ties, DPP Legislator Tsai Shih-ying (蔡適應) said.

Mention of Taiwan had been avoided in European politics since regional states began switching recognition from the Republic of China to the People’s Republic of China in the 1960s, Tsai said.

This has changed under President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) leadership, with strides having been made to re-establish relationships between Taiwan and EU members, and raise awareness of Taiwan’s importance in European public discourse, he said.

Additional reporting by Chien Hui-ju


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