首屆「2035 E-Mobility Global Demo Day」新創競賽 吸引26國參賽
▲貿協與時代基金會舉辦「2035 E-Mobility Global Demo Day」新創競賽,吸引89個新創團隊報名參賽。圖為貿協2021年度記者會。(資料照/記者余弦妙攝)
由外貿協會與時代基金會共同主辦的「2035 E-Mobility Global Demo Day」新創競賽初試啼聲即受全球新創團隊注目,僅2個月成功吸引26國89家新創團隊報名參賽,提案內容以電動車及自駕車解決方案為最多,共享服務、人車互動及聯網科技次之,驅動了電動車及自駕車的發展,為臺灣產業注入前所未有的創新能量。
以色列新創Bright Way Vision的全天候車用攝影機,廣泛運用於自駕車及電動車,提高自動煞車系統(AEB)功能,同時增加高道路使用者的安全性等20家新創團隊獲得進入決選的資格。全球新創團隊瞄準臺灣電動及自駕車供應鏈版圖,並期望與科技業大廠跨業合作準備駛進臺灣或全球智慧移動生態系。
2035 E-Mobility Global Demo Day強大評審團隊也為本次競賽亮點之一,評審委員包括DRIVE(以色列新創中心)、500 Startups(美國創業投資及加速器)、Horizon Venture(維港投資)、Vertex Venture(新加坡祥峰集團)、WI Harper(美國中經合集團)、Leich Capital(紐約華爾街資本管理公司)、中華開發、意法半導體、台達電子、廣達電腦、緯創、康舒科技、光寶科技、MIH、台灣豐田通商及中華電信的投資長、技術長及高階主管,評選出具有創新性、發展性及市場性的新創團隊,讓獲選的團隊有機會贏得與企業一對一洽談,並吸引創投挹注資金的機會。
▲「2035 E-Mobility Global Demo Day」首輪初選後,多國20個團隊拿下826決賽門票(圖/貿協提供)
此刻辦理2035 E-Mobility Global Demo Day,期盼協助國內外新創與產業對接、強化競爭力,與臺灣企業一同搶攻國際電動及自駕車市場商機。
主辦單位將於今(2021)年8月26日辦理決選,獲選的新創團隊將於同年10月的「台灣國際智慧移動展 (2035 E-Mobility Taiwan)」展出並公開發表獲勝的提案產品,更將與投資者和企業洽談。
如有意與國內外新創公司鏈結與合作的相關業者,台灣國際智慧移動展是不可錯過的最佳交流平台,欲了解詳細報名資訊,可參考官方網站:www.e-mobilityshow.com.tw 。
「麟洋配」引來美金融大鱷 爽喊「台灣不是中國」
Gaw Capital Partners Forms Partnership with Data Center First
HONG KONG SAR / SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 23 July 2021 - Real estate private equity firm Gaw Capital Partners today announced the establishment of a new joint venture operating company, Data Center First Pte Ltd., with Mr. Wong Ka Vin as the Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer with its maiden project in Batam, Indonesia. Data Center First, headquartered in Singapore, is a data center operator and the first platform investment made by Gaw Capital Partners to support its IDC investments in Asia outside of China.
Mr. Wong Ka Vin is an industry veteran with a track record in building successful data center platforms and professional teams like i-STT in 1999, followed by Equinix Asia Pacific in 2002, CSF Group Asia which became ChinData in 2011, and finally returning to Singapore to lead and re-brand 1-Net by building 1-Net North, Southeast Asia’s first Uptime Certified Tier III design and constructed 30MVA facility in Woodlands, Singapore in 2013.
The data center campus in Nongsa Digital Park is the maiden project with Data Center First.
This project leverages on the fact that Nongsa Digital Park has been slated as the “Digital Bridge” that connects Singapore to many of Indonesia’s fast-growing cities.
In addition to this maiden project in Batam, Indonesia, Data Center First will also work with Gaw Capital Partners to originate, evaluate and develop data center projects in Southeast Asia and beyond.
Kenneth Gaw, President & Managing Principal of Gaw Capital Partners, said, “I am excited to be working with Ka Vin and his team of professionals in creating this data center operating platform. It signals a key milestone in Gaw Capital Partners’ growth in the data center industry, an industry that enables digital transformation opportunities for organizations globally to continue to grow. We plan to grow our regional data center platform rapidly through a combination of multiple asset and platform acquisitions and our partnership with Data Center First is the first step in the execution of this strategy.”
Gaw Capital Partners sees the IDC development as part of the bigger story that will encompass the broader and larger global opportunities that the digital economy brings. There is an ever-growing amount of data traffic that is driving demand for data centers to consolidate servers, store data and manage network support, thanks to technological advancements in 5G communications, 4K transmission, the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence.
Wong Ka Vin, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Data Center First, said, “The next generation data center operators will need a deep understanding on how to exploit M&E and IT technologies in combination to create a more effective and valuable service experience for our customers. Data Center First will keep pace with the latest trend and provide industry-leading experience in the market for our clients.”
IDC is a focus sector for Gaw Capital Partners. In September 2020, the company closed fundraising for its first internet data center (IDC) platform, which has invested in a portfolio of projects in partnership with IDC developers and operators in China, bringing the total equity raised of approximately US$1.3 billion, to build “green, efficient, innovative and recyclable” data center clusters.
About Gaw Capital Partners
Gaw Capital Partners is a uniquely positioned private equity fund management company focusing on real estate markets in Asia Pacific and other high barrier-to-entry markets globally.
Specializing in adding strategic value to under-utilized real estate through redesign and repositioning, Gaw Capital runs an integrated business model with its own in-house asset management operating platforms in commercial, hospitality, property development, logistics, IDC and Education. The firm’s investments span the entire spectrum of real estate sectors, including residential development, offices, retail malls, serviced apartments, hotels, logistics warehouses and IDC projects.
Gaw Capital has raised six commingled funds targeting the Greater China and APAC regions since 2005. The firm also manages value-add/opportunistic funds in Vietnam and the US, a Pan-Asia hospitality fund, a European hospitality fund, a Growth Equity Fund and also provides services for separate account direct investments globally.
Since 2005, Gaw Capital has commanded assets of USD$30.7 billion under management as of Q1 2021.