Typh Barrow et Balthazar soutiennent le secteur musical

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Comme d’autres, le secteur musical, mis en arrêt forcé, a beaucoup souffert de la crise. S’il revit petit à petit, il n’est pas encore question de grands rendez-vous accueillant des milliers de spectateurs, sans masque, sans distanciation, sans jauge réduite… sauf en ligne ! Comme ce jeudi 24 juin, où, sous l’impulsion de quatre festivals belges majeurs (Les Ardentes, Les Francofolies de Spa, Lokerse Feesten et Jazz Middelheim ) de Shadow Live et ING, de 16 h 30 à 18 h 30, les artistes belges Typh Barrow, Balthazar, Blackwave et le Daniel Roméo Band se succèderont sur la scène du Palais 12. Ils livreront ainsi une prestation unique en direct de la scène du Palais 12, dans le cadre du INGReplugged Festival. Un événement accessible gratuitement, qui a pour but de ravir nos oreilles et nos pupilles, mais aussi de soutenir le secteur.


Musical et solidaire !

En décembre dernier, une première mouture de ce rendez-vous, en compagnie de Loic Nottet et Portland, avait alors réuni plus de 100 000 internautes. Les organisateurs espèrent attirer au moins autant de spectateurs cette fois, d’autant que l’événement est destiné à récolter des fonds pour LIVE2020, le fonds de la Fondation Roi Baudouin en faveur du secteur culturel et de la musique live. Son but est de venir en aide aux professionnels du secteur de la musique live. Toutes celles et ceux qui rendent la musique live possible subissent de plein fouet la crise du coronavirus: des backliners aux machinistes, des musiciens aux bookers, des DJ aux constructeurs de scènes, des ingénieurs du son aux roadies, et tant d’autres. Tous ces gens sont dans l’impasse financière actuellement et méritent notre soutien.


Comment participer ? Les tickets sont gratuits et disponibles en cliquant sur ce lien. Vous aurez au moment de votre inscription, la possibilité de faire un don également à Live 2020 en scannant le QR code prévu à cet effet.

Daniel Romeo (Photo Jeffrey Vanhoutten)

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Kentucky Shakespeare Announces 2021 Shakespeare In The Parks Tour

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Kentucky Shakespeare announces the return of the free SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARKS tour this spring, which kicked off April 17 at Maples Park in Crestwood. The 7-actor, 90-minute production of ROMEO AND JULIET will tour to multiple parks in Indiana and Kentucky this April and May.

“We are delighted to come together again in these 23 beautiful parks this spring with live theatre. We have sorely missed this and look forward to furthering our mission of removing barriers and creating accessible arts experiences as we connect again and heal, through this experience of live outdoor theatre. We thank our sponsors for valuing the importance of the arts, in a time many need connection most. It wouldn’t happen without them.” said Matt Wallace, Kentucky Shakespeare’s Producing Artistic Director. “We’re able to serve many of the same parks this year plus some new venues this year including Corydon, Indiana, the Maples in Crestwood and Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park. We’re working on plans and are hopeful for the return of our summer season of free Shakespeare in Central Park, and this is going to be a wonderful way to kick off the season, bringing free Shakespeare to parks throughout the region,” says Wallace.

The production is directed by Amy Attaway, Kentucky Shakespeare’s Associate Artistic Director. “We’re telling this timeless story of Shakespeare’s star-crossed lovers at the breathtaking pace of falling in love, with the super-charged stakes of ancient feuds in the modern day.” She added, “We programmed this play before anyone had heard of COVID-19, but the play resonates remarkably well in the present moment. It turns out a play about two smart and fearless young people being kept apart for reasons no one quite understands is the perfect story for the time.”

The production features an ensemble cast of seven actors starring Mollie Murk as Juliet and Tony Reimonenq III as Romeo, with Georgette Kleier as Nurse/Prince/Apothecary, Abigail Bailey Maupin as Mercutio/Lady Montague/Balthazar, Gregory Maupin as Capulet/Friar Lawrence/Gregory, BeeBee Patillo as Lady Capulet/Tybalt/Peter/Friar John, and Shaquille Towns as Benvolio/Paris/Watch.

The production also features set design by Karl Anderson, costume design by Donna Lawrence-Downs, sound design by Laura Ellis, and fight choreography by Eric Frantz, with Clare Hagan as the stage manager. The script is edited by dramaturg Gregory Maupin.

Audience members are required to adhere to current facemask mandates and are invited to bring their own chairs and blankets for this free, socially-distanced, family-friendly community event.

Kentucky Shakespeare will also tour the production to schools across the state, virtually and in person, as part of Shakespeare in American Communities, a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest. Kentucky Shakespeare is one of 40 professional theater companies selected to participate in bringing the finest productions of Shakespeare to middle- and high-school students in communities across the United States.

Performances are still being added. Visit HERE for dates and more information.

Tomer Sisley (Balthazar) se confie sur l’évolution de ses rapports avec Hélène de Fougerolles

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