LINE 線上對話產生器「Fake Details」使用教學

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我們經常看到許多臉書小編會用 LINE 等社群聊天對話來宣傳活動,但對話大多不是真正透過一對一的聊天往來產生,而是使用一些線上對話產生器工具來製作。如果各位也想要自行創作 LINE 的聊天對話與好友分享,不妨可以試試看今天分享的 LINE 線上對話產生器「Fake Details」。當然,這工具也不侷限於 LINE ,像是各位想像得到的 Facebook、Instagram、YouTube 等平台的畫面它都能製作。

LINE 線上對話產生器「Fake Details」使用教學

今天介紹的 Fake Details 這個線上工具可以製作包括各種通訊軟體的聊天訊息、社群的貼文、甚至是 YouTube 頻道的截圖都可以用它來產生符合預期的畫面。這次我們就以大家日常每天都會接觸的 LINE 進行示範,分享該如何用 Fake Ditails 產生 LINE. 聊天對話囉!

Fake Details:點我前往

LINE 聊天對話如何製作?

在 Fake Deatails 首頁選擇「LINE Chat」後,畫面會跳轉到以下的編輯頁面。雖然這介面是英文,不過功能上大致都還算好理解,除了新增訊息外的其他設定都會在用戶編輯後即時同步顯示在右側的預覽畫面。用戶可依照自身需求選擇是否要顯示畫面頂部、底部的欄位,也能選擇這畫面要以 Android 還是 iOS 系統來顯示。編輯頁面還可進一步編輯剩餘電量、時間等資訊,有趣的是電池圖示還真的會依照用戶輸入的數字有所變化。

在新增訊息欄位,分為 Person 1(自己)和 Person 2(對方),可編輯訊息時間、內容後按下「Add Message」送出訊息。以下筆者也簡單為各位標記各項功能的用途:

在編輯 Person 2(對方)的訊息時,用戶還能自行上傳圖片作為聊天對象的大頭貼,讓整個聊天對話看起來更加真實:

在編輯完成後,接著就可以點選「Download Line Chat As Image」按鈕將這張聊天對話截圖下載到裝置囉!

以下也分享一下 Android 和 iOS 版本的截圖差異:


Fake Details:點我前往

LINE Pay 「我的會員卡」功能加入更多常用會員卡選項

Western Sahara: Algeria Attempts to Mislead Joe Biden With Fake ‘Facts’

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Algeria’s state media have once again shared fabricated “facts” on the Western Sahara issue, in a mediocre attempt to mislead the new US President, Joe Biden.

In a report published on January 23, Algeria’s Press Service (APS) claimed that the self-proclaimed Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) is recognized by the UN, the International Court of Justice, and the Court of Justice of the EU.

The report cited an undisclosed letter from 45 academics and jurists to Biden, asking him to reverse the decision of former US President Donald Trump to recognize Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara.

Without providing any information on the letter or the academics and jurists it claims signed it, the article claims the letter supports the Sahrawi population’s right to self-determination.

“You know very well that Western Sahara is recognized as a state by the UN, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), and in accordance with a broad consensus of international jurists” the letter claimed, as quoted by APS.

This single sentence contains three fabricated “facts,” presented in a way that underestimates Biden’s knowledge of the Western Sahara issue.

First, the UN does not recognize the self-styled SADR as a state. Instead, it considers the geographical region of Western Sahara as a non-self-governing territory.

Second, the International Court of Justice, as a UN organ, also does not recognize any state in Western Sahara region. The court only provides advisory opinions on the issue.

Finally, the Court of Justice of the EU, has never mentioned the existence of the self-proclaimed SADR.

In some of its recent rulings, the EU’s judicial branch pleaded in favor of self-determination in Western Sahara. However, the principle of self-determination does not contradict Morocco’s Autonomy Plan in the region, it is a key element of it.

Morocco’s autonomy initiative seeks to allow populations in Western Sahara to enjoy self-determination through making the region semi-autonomous, under Moroccan sovereignty.

This means that the local population would independently manage socio-economic and political issues, while the central Moroccan government would remain responsible for matters of national interest, such as defense and foreign relations.

After falsely presenting the SADR as an internationally-recognized independent state, the APS report made another fabricated allegation when it claimed that the UN supports a self-determination referendum in the region.

“The Sahrawi people should exercise their right to self-determination and independence, through the organization of a free and transparent referendum, as stipulated in the decisions of the UN,” the report said.

The UN Security Council, however, has not mentioned a referendum as an option since 2001. Moreover, since 2007, the council has regularly welcomed Morocco’s Autonomy Plan as a “serious and credible solution” to the Western Sahara issue.

The APS report concluded by urging President Biden to revoke his predecessor’s decision, because “the status quo damages the reputation of the United States.”

Despite Algeria’s desperate attempts to mislead the new US administration, experts believe that Biden will not reverse the American recognition of Morocco’s territorial integrity.

Apple CEO Tim Cook rails against ‘purveyors of fake news’ as Facebook feud rages on

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Apple (AAPL) CEO Tim Cook took to the virtual stage of the Computers, Privacy, and Data Protection (CPDP) conference on Thursday, attacking social media sites for allowing the spread of misinformation — an apparent barb aimed at Facebook (FB), though he didn’t mention its name.

In his speech, Cook laid into algorithm-driven social media platforms, painting them as, “An interconnected ecosystem of companies and data brokers, of purveyors of fake news and peddlers of division, of trackers and hucksters just looking to make a quick buck.”

Cook’s appearance followed Apple’s announcement that it will soon launch a controversial privacy feature that gives users the ability to stop apps from tracking their activity to collect information for advertisers. The feature could hurt Facebook and other apps that benefit from targeted advertising dollars.

Apple CEO Tim Cook says the time has come for social networks to reform their practices amidst rampant misinformation. (Image: Apple)

The feature, called App Tracking Transparency and coming to Apple devices in the next update for iOS 14, has faced heavy criticism from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who claims Apple is only making the privacy change to benefit its own bottom line.

Apple and Facebook’s relationship has never been worse. They have sparred over privacy and data security for years, but iApple’s announcement at its WWDC 2020 conference that it was going to introduce App Tracking Transparency set the two tech titans on a collision course.

App Tracking Transparency is a new pop-up that users will see when they download apps from the App Store that track their online activities to provide information to advertisers to better target their campaigns.

Facebook, however, claims the feature will decimate small businesses that rely on its ability to effectively target ads. According to the social media company, those businesses could see a 50% reduction in revenue as a result of Apple’s changes.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg speaks via video conference during a hearing of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial and Administrative Law on “Online Platforms and Market Power”, in the Rayburn House office Building on Capitol Hill, in Washington, U.S., July 29, 2020. Graeme Jennings/Pool via REUTERS

Facebook even went as far as to take out full-page ads in The New York Times and Wall Street Journal saying that it was fighting to save small businesses from Apple. The irony in Facebook using media outlets, which have been crushed by it and Google’s dominance of the online advertising industry, was particularly rich.

Story continues

During his speech Cook lambasted social platforms that operate using algorithms, which include Facebook and Twitter, for allowing everything from conspiracy theories to violent militias to propagate across their services.

“What are the consequences of prioritizing conspiracy theories and violent incitement, simply because of the high rates of engagement?” Cook said.

“What are the consequences of not just tolerating but rewarding content that undermines public trust in life-saving vaccinations? What are the consequences of seeing thousands of users joining extremist groups, and then perpetuating an algorithm that recommends even more?”

Prior to his speech, Cook tweeted that the industry needs transparency and reform.

Facebook isn’t taking Apple’s moves lying down, though. During the company’s earnings call on Wednesday, Zuckerberg called out Apple as one of its biggest competitors. He added, “Apple has every incentive to use its dominant platform position to interfere with how our apps work to favor their own, which they regularly do.”

Facebook is now, according to a report by The Information, considering filing an antitrust lawsuit against Apple in an effort to push back against App Tracking Transparency. That’s in addition to Facebook’s announcement in December that it was assisting Epic Games in its antitrust suit against Apple.

That suit revolves around Apple’s App Store practices and pricing structure. The company currently charges a 30% commission on apps and in-app purchases made through the App Store, something Epic Games objects to, as it says the commission forces it to charge more for its apps. Apple, meanwhile, doesn’t pay any commissions.

In joining Epic’s suit against Apple, Facebook claimed that Apple was only using the App Tracking Transparency feature to force app developers to stop offering free, ad-supported apps. By making ads less efficient for advertisers, the thinking goes, developers would instead have to charge for their apps and in-app offerings. That, in turn, would boost Apple’s revenue thanks to the 30% App Store fee.

The ultimate outcome of this battle is still far from decided, but this certainly isn’t going to be the last we hear from either company on the topic.

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