東京奧運「中華台北代表隊」賽程一覽:為盧彥勳、戴資穎、郭婞淳等 68 位選手加油!

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等了一年,東京奧運終於將在明天正式登場,自 7 月 23 日至 8 月 8 日舉行,為期 17 天,各國選手們已經摩拳擦掌備戰中,蓄勢待發準備為國爭光。今年奧林匹克運動會歷史也寫下展新篇章,總共新增了三大賽事,包含滑板、衝浪與攀岩,雖然台灣現階段未參與這些項目,但未來表現指日可待。詳細賽程官方目前已經慢慢的釋出,許多比賽項目也陸續抽籤決定,有關中華台北代表隊的最新賽事消息 Tatler 為你整理:


延伸閱讀:Ralph Lauren、adidas⋯東京奧運「各國代表隊」制服大比拼:哪一國設計最吸睛?

President apologizes to Olympic athletes for economy class snafu

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Taiwanese netizens fume over hotel arrangements for Olympic badminton player Tai

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Taiwanese badminton player Tai Tzu-ying and the hotel room she’s staying in during the Tokyo Olympics (Facebook photo, Instagram story screenshot)… Taiwanese badminton player Tai Tzu-ying and the hotel room she’s staying in during the Tokyo Olympics (Facebook photo, Instagram story screenshot)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The sports authorities in Taiwan are facing public scrutiny for a series of controversial Olympics arrangements involving flight seating and the accommodation chosen for the country’s athletes.

At the heart of the matter is the world’s No. 1 badminton player, Tai Tzu-ying (戴資穎). The Taiwanese olympian has complained about having to fly economy to Tokyo, and her Instagram post about the hotel room she would be staying in has caused a stir among Taiwanese netizens, who believe she deserves better lodging.

The country’s badminton team will be staying at the Marroad Inn Tokyo, where room rates range from NT$2,400 (US$86) to NT$3,400 a night. Netizens were enraged over what they perceived as less-than-satisfactory lodging while sports officials are offered better accommodation at Mimaru Tokyo Shinjuku West, which costs around NT$5,000 a night, wrote UDN.

Apparently seeking to placate her furious supporters, Tai said Tuesday (July 20) that the hotel is only a 10-minute drive from the badminton stadium, allowing the contestants more time to rest.

According to the Sports Administration’s pre-Olympics inspection report in 2019, the hotel was selected for its proximity to the venue hosting badminton events. Taiwanese athletes competing in badminton, shooting, golf, equestrianism, and cycling sports are not residing in the athletes’ village, according to CNA.