Taiwan VR film wins best story at Cannes

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Taiwanese artist Huang Hsin-chien won big at Marché du Film with VR production “Samsara.” (Facebook, Huang Hsin-chien photo… Taiwanese artist Huang Hsin-chien won big at Marché du Film with VR production “Samsara.” (Facebook, Huang Hsin-chien photo)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwanese artist Huang Hsin-chien (黃心健) won big at the Cannes Film Festival-associated Marché du Film with his VR production “Samsara.”

A multimedia artist and professor in National Taiwan Normal University’s design department, Huang took home the Best VR Story award of the Cannes XR program with his latest virtual reality work, titled “Samsara Ep. 1,” on Monday (July 12), beating out 16 other nominations. The work had previously won the South by Southwest Film Festival’s (SXSW) Jury Award in March.

The 55-year-old artist expressed gratitude on Facebook to those who helped him create the Made-in-Taiwan original, including National Taiwan Normal University, the Taiwan Creative Content Agency, and the Kaohsiung Film Archive’s VR FILM LAB. The Marché du Film awards ceremony is slated for Tuesday at the Museum of Other Reality.

Applying volumetric capture technology and providing the audience with virtual arms, “Samsara” vividly explores social issues, including ecology, natural resources, and war. The plot focuses on humanity’s journey to seek a new planet after Earth is destroyed by nuclear weapons, Huang explained.

The award-winning film will get its Asian premiere in the southern city of Kaohsiung in October after its international tour in September.

感謝日本捐台疫苗 屏縣回贈「Taiwan Box」助醫護抗疫

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2021/07/10 12:17

〔記者羅欣貞/屏東報導〕日本政府贈台237萬劑疫苗協助抗疫,屏東縣政府以實際行動表達感謝,本月7日、8日、9日分別寄贈200個「Taiwan Box」防護箱,給日本行政法人神戶市民病院機構、大阪府醫療機構,由日本台灣後援會會長陳天隆代表屏東縣長潘孟安捐贈,協助第一線醫護人員抗疫,展現台日堅定不移的友誼。

駐大阪辦事處處長李世丙、「神戶市議會日華親善議員聯盟」安達和彦會長及上畠寬弘議員等人,8日均出席見證屏東縣政府寄贈200個防護箱「Taiwan Box」給神戶市醫療機構的儀式,由日本台灣後援會會長陳天隆代表屏東縣長潘孟安捐贈,由神戶市民病院機構橋本信夫理事長代表接受。陳天隆並轉達潘孟安回贈防護箱的感謝心意,相信台日之間會累計更深厚的友誼。


陳天隆於9日又前往大阪府病院協會,代表屏東縣長孟安致贈200個醫療用防護箱「Taiwan Box」給大阪府醫療機構,由大阪府病院協會會長佐佐木洋及大阪府私立病院協會會長生野弘道代表接受,並頒發感謝狀給屏東縣政府。駐大阪辦事處李世丙處長、日本台灣後援會副會長澤尾淳心等人也出席見證儀式。








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