Flights disrupted as Typhoon Chanthu approaches Taiwan

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New Taipei City, Hualien, Pingtung, and Taitung announce office, school closures ahead of Typhoon Chanthu

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TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — As a land warning for Super Typhoon Chanthu was issued by the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) at 5:30 p.m. Friday night (Sept. 10) and with the eye of the storm just 210 kilometers from Taiwan’s southernmost tip, much of the country south of Yunlin will likely see powerful winds and heavy rain today, while northern Taiwan will see the strongest impact Sunday (Sept. 12).

The CWB predicts that Chanthu will come closest to Taiwan today and Sunday with Level 16 winds on the Beaufort Scale in its eyewall. Strong winds and heavy rain are likely across the country until Sunday evening.

Taitung County this morning became the first to announce that offices and schools will be closed this afternoon. The closures include the county’s Orchid Island and Green Island.

Later in the morning, two schools in New Taipei City announced that work and classes would be canceled starting at 12 p.m., while six townships in Pingtung County announced that work and classes would be canceled this evening.

This afternoon Hualien County announced that all work and classes will be canceled this evening.

The following are known closures announced thus far today:

Northern Taiwan:

New Taipei City

New Taipei Municipal Gong Liao Junior High School: Offices and classes canceled from 12 p.m.

Bitou Elementary School, Ruifang District: Offices and classes canceled from 12 p.m.

Eastern Taiwan:

Hualien County

Offices and classes canceled this evening

Taitung County

Offices and classes canceled this afternoon

Southern Taiwan:

Pingtung County

HengchunTownship: Offices and classes canceled this evening

ChechengTownship: Offices and classes canceled this evening

ManzhouTownship: Offices and classes canceled this evening

FangshanTownship: Offices and classes canceled this evening

ShiziTownship: Offices and classes canceled this evening

MudanTownship: Offices and classes canceled this evening

For more information on official closures, check the Directorate-General of Personnel Administration, Executive Yuan website.

Taiwan cancels airline flights as typhoon approaches

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