手刀訂購!「麟洋配」正式授權出「麟洋Taiwan in悠遊卡」

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2021/08/10 18:40

〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕我國羽球男雙「聖筊組合」李洋、王齊麟在東京奧運奪下金牌後,聲勢水漲船高。今天(10日)悠遊卡公司宣布,已經獲得麟洋配的正式授權,將合作發行「麟洋Taiwan in悠遊卡」。不過圖示的詳細內容,悠遊卡公司先賣個關子暫時保密,將會再對外說明。

麟洋配在東奧奪牌之後,不少人都爭搶要替他們設計商品,不過大都沒有得到授權。悠遊卡公司今天在臉書粉專「悠遊卡 EasyCard」宣布,他們已經獲得李洋及王齊麟兩位選手的經紀公司正式授權,將發行「麟洋 Taiwan in 悠遊卡」,開放預購時間為8月12日星期四上午11點,每套兩張,售價350元。



悠遊卡公司將發行「麟洋 Taiwan in 悠遊卡」。(圖片取自臉書)

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Taiwanese writer’s youthful tales of city life to be adapted into TV show

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Taiwanese writer Redshowon’s work to be adapted for TV. (Each Other Films photo) Taiwanese writer Redshowon’s work to be adapted for TV. (Each Other Films photo)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The books of Taiwan writer Redshowon (宅女小紅) are being adapted into a TV series.

Redshowon, which is a pseudonym, describes herself as a homebody. She normally appears on talk shows in Groucho glasses, with the bulbous nose and bushy eyebrows concealing her identity.

The writer has written books and blogs about her life, in particular her love life, for over a decade. Her cynical take on matters of the heart has won her hundreds of thousands of fans in Taiwan, most of whom are female.

The comedic TV show stemming from her work will be produced by Liu Wan-ling (劉宛玲) and will star Kuo Shu-yau (郭書瑤), who will play a 30-year-old working woman called He Bai-rui (何百芮) who is fighting back creatively after being fired and dumped, according to CNA.

Liu said Redshowon honestly shares her ups and downs, such as her self-loathing after being cheated on before she was married. “Many Taiwanese women feel a connection with what happened to her,” Liu said, per CNA.

The writer, whose day job is accountancy, wrote on Facebook, “This is still very surreal to me!”

Redshowon said her infamous ex-boyfriend asked her 10 years ago, “Isn’t it enough for you just writing columns about me? You even published books! Then what? Writing a song or launching TV dramas?”

“I can’t believe the TV show made one of his dreams come true,” the writer joked.

Redshowon and her husband, whom she calls “the engineer.” (Facebook, Redshowon photo)

「麟洋Taiwan in悠遊卡」獲授權 李洋812生日當天開放限時預購

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▲ 金牌「麟洋Taiwan in悠遊卡」 。(圖/翻攝自悠遊卡 EasyCard 臉書粉專)


繼世界球后戴資穎東奧奪銀推出悠遊卡套組,2天吸引2萬人預購後,摘金的「麟洋配」李洋/王齊麟,悠遊卡公司也正式取得李洋與王齊麟的經紀公司授權,將合作發行「麟洋Taiwan in悠遊卡」,8月12日上午11點起開放限時預購。




