LINE 線上對話產生器「Fake Details」使用教學

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我們經常看到許多臉書小編會用 LINE 等社群聊天對話來宣傳活動,但對話大多不是真正透過一對一的聊天往來產生,而是使用一些線上對話產生器工具來製作。如果各位也想要自行創作 LINE 的聊天對話與好友分享,不妨可以試試看今天分享的 LINE 線上對話產生器「Fake Details」。當然,這工具也不侷限於 LINE ,像是各位想像得到的 Facebook、Instagram、YouTube 等平台的畫面它都能製作。

LINE 線上對話產生器「Fake Details」使用教學

今天介紹的 Fake Details 這個線上工具可以製作包括各種通訊軟體的聊天訊息、社群的貼文、甚至是 YouTube 頻道的截圖都可以用它來產生符合預期的畫面。這次我們就以大家日常每天都會接觸的 LINE 進行示範,分享該如何用 Fake Ditails 產生 LINE. 聊天對話囉!

Fake Details:點我前往

LINE 聊天對話如何製作?

在 Fake Deatails 首頁選擇「LINE Chat」後,畫面會跳轉到以下的編輯頁面。雖然這介面是英文,不過功能上大致都還算好理解,除了新增訊息外的其他設定都會在用戶編輯後即時同步顯示在右側的預覽畫面。用戶可依照自身需求選擇是否要顯示畫面頂部、底部的欄位,也能選擇這畫面要以 Android 還是 iOS 系統來顯示。編輯頁面還可進一步編輯剩餘電量、時間等資訊,有趣的是電池圖示還真的會依照用戶輸入的數字有所變化。

在新增訊息欄位,分為 Person 1(自己)和 Person 2(對方),可編輯訊息時間、內容後按下「Add Message」送出訊息。以下筆者也簡單為各位標記各項功能的用途:

在編輯 Person 2(對方)的訊息時,用戶還能自行上傳圖片作為聊天對象的大頭貼,讓整個聊天對話看起來更加真實:

在編輯完成後,接著就可以點選「Download Line Chat As Image」按鈕將這張聊天對話截圖下載到裝置囉!

以下也分享一下 Android 和 iOS 版本的截圖差異:


Fake Details:點我前往

LINE Pay 「我的會員卡」功能加入更多常用會員卡選項

Myth debunked: Samsung’s 100X zoom doesn’t fake moon photos

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The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra has two telephoto cameras, one is a 3X zoom and the other is a 10X zoom. Working with the phone’s AI, the S21 Ultra can capture a digitally enhanced photo of the moon’s surface. The conspiracy was that Samsung was able to apply a texture of the moon to anything that resembled it. Samsung denied this and explained that the camera’s AI Super Resolution takes multiple frames of the moon and assembles a more detailed final image.

Easy to Show. Tried it just now. Here: Even if you take an unsharp/messy photo of something that looks like a moon it snaps a moon(ish) texture on it. :) simple as that. No magic hardware just clever software (combination), huawei did same year ago. — Alexi Bexi (@alextv) January 21, 2021

Input Mag’s own Raymond Wong figured he’d investigate. He asked a few tech reporters, who gave their suspicions about whether they think there was background processing going on in the background. One suggested there was no overlaid texture files present in the camera’s APK. Another noted that there was already much software happening in the background and wondered if Samsung didn’t just slip the textures in.

Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra’s quad-camera setup with 3X and 10X telephoto lenses

After receiving mixed feedback, Wong figured that the only way to really prove it was to compare the 100X shots to another photo of the same moon captured with a mirrorless camera and a long-range lens and see if the patterns lined up between shots. The first show below was shot by the Galaxy S21 Ultra, and the second was with the Sony ASR III.

Image by Raymond Wong for Input Mag with the Galaxy S21 Ultra’s 100X zoom

Cropped image by Raymond Wong for Input Mag with the Sony A7R III and 600mm lens

In the end, the resulting shot looked more impressive than the single frame captured by a Sony A7R III full frame mirrorless camera and 600mm zoom lens, a rig that cost more than three times the price of the Galaxy S21 Ultra. More importantly, the patterns between the shots do line up. Samsung indeed is able to capture shots of the moon in the right weather conditions and in areas of low light pollution, albeit with a lot of software processing in the background.

Check out the full story on Input Mag.


50 youth conned with fake job letters in govt. hospital in U.P.’s Bareilly, probe ordered

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Later using the coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown that followed as a ruse, the youths were told that their jobs were shelved as the hospital had been turned into a COVID care centre

An inquiry has been ordered after 50 youth were duped with fake appointment letters to posts at a government hospital here allegedly by the clerks posted in the Chief Medical Officer’s office and a district women’s hospital, police said on Saturday.

Acting on a complaint given in this connection by the affected youth, an inquiry has been ordered by the district police chief.

About 50 youths have charged a clerk in the medical official’s office here and three other staff in the women’s hospital of taking ₹3 lakh from each of them with the promise of securing jobs in a 300-bed hospital that was opened in 2019 in the district.

SSP Rohit Singh Sajwan said the issue is serious and the Circle Officer (Sadar) Dilip Kumar has been asked to probe it with further action to be initiated on the basis of the inquiry report.

In their written complaint to police, the youths alleged that the clerks told them in 2019 that recruitment was open for the posts of supervisor, computer operator, lab technician, driver, ward boy among others on contract basis in the new hospital and that the appointment will be made by the Bareilly CMO.

They were told that they will get jobs if they give ₹5 lakh each for which they had paid an advance of ₹3 lakh each after which they were made to fill an application form.

Following a ‘delay’ in getting the appointment letters, the youths approached the clerk posted in the office, who allegedly issued fake appointment letters in March last year with the letterhead of Rashtriya Swasthya Mission (National Health Mission) with a fake signature and stamp of the Chief Medical Superintendent (CMS), they said.

Later using the coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown that followed as a ruse, the youths were told that their jobs were shelved as the hospital had been turned into a COVID care centre.

When they raised the issue again in August last year, they were called to the district hospital for a medical test and given forged medical certificates with the stamp and signature of a senior official of the hospital.

When they reached the hospital for joining duty in September and October, officials told them that they were given fake appointment letters and also told that no recruitment process was initiated after the opening of the new hospital.

When the youths cornered the clerks, they allegedly promised to return the amount in two months time but none of the victims have got their money back till now, they further said in the complaint.