雙十國慶「Taiwan National Day」 國民黨酸英文台獨

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DPP lawmaker pushes MOFA to rebrand overseas offices with word “Taiwan” 綠委籲外交部 積極推動駐外館處更名台灣 | 公視新聞網 PNN

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As the European Parliament approved to add “Taipei” or “Taiwan” in its offices in Taiwan, a pan-green lawmaker is calling MOFA to do the same for their overseas offices.

Presenter: The European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs recently approved adding “Taipei” or “Taiwan” to the name of the European Union’s representative office in Taiwan. A lawmaker is calling on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to form a committee to promote the rectification of overseas office names with the word “Taiwan.”##

Taiwan says it will be opening the “Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania” later this year, while the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs recently approved adding “Taipei” or “Taiwan” to the name of the European Union’s representative office in Taiwan. Pan-green lawmakers Chiu Chih-wei and Hsu Chih-chieh are calling on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to form an overseas office name rectification committee to promote the rectification of overseas office names with the word “Taiwan.”

Chiu Chih-wei, Legislator:”Rectifying the titles of our representative offices with the name “Taiwan” is a national consensus and the Executive Yuan and Legislative Yuan must work together to complete this.”

The ROC currently has 93 overseas offices with over 10 different name formats. There are 52 Taipei Economic and Cultural Offices around the world, along with a number of Taipei Trade Offices and Taipei Commercial and Cultural Offices. Out of the 93, only the one in Somaliland includes the name “Taiwan.” The lawmakers say the government should go ahead and change the names of representative offices in Taiwan-friendly countries like Japan and the US.

Joanne Ou, Spokesperson, Ministry of Foreign Affairs:”With regards to the rectification of the names of our overseas offices and embassies, the move must be approved by the governments of the countries the offices are in. We will continue to fight for our greatest national rights to deepen friendly, cooperative relationships.”

In response, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs thanked the lawmakers for their suggestions. The ministry also said Taiwan would not accept being undermined in international organizations or competitions with an unofficial name.


立法委員 邱志偉:「正名以台灣之名做我們代表處的名稱,我想這是全國的共識也是行政跟立法部門必須要協力完成。」


外交部發言人 歐江安:「有關我國的駐外館處更名的事情,這必須要經過駐在國政府的同意,我方會持續爭取我國最大的國家利益來穩健的深化實質友好合作關係。」


因應全球綠能趨勢,台灣拚 2025 年太陽能建置 20GW 達標

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再生能源已是不可抵擋的一股趨勢,經濟部訂定 2025 年再生能源發電占比 20% 政策目標,預計 2025 年太陽能裝置容量達 20GW,截至今年 7 月達到 6.73GW,其中漁電共生、屋頂太陽能更是主要推行的太陽能專案。

嘉義縣為目前漁電共生的黑馬,除了縣內有鹽田及滯洪池等大型專案之外,中央也將沿海的布袋、東石、義竹等鄉鎮土地,總計 877 公頃的土地,劃設成漁電共生先行區之一。嘉義縣經發處處長江振瑋指出,透過漁電共生專案,漁民可以拿到土地租金、回聘擔任養殖人員及享有漁獲收益等,形成漁民、綠能業者及政府多贏效益。

好比台泥集團與台鹽合作打造的首座漁電共生示範案場:台泥嘉義綠能嘉義漁電共生案,太陽能板設置於魚塭塭堤上,不會影響漁獲採收,預估裝置容量達 44MW 左右。要做漁電共生案場,必須具備諸多條件,包括要取得 100% 的養殖戶及地主同意,以及遮蔽率不超過 4 成,且要維持產量 7 成等,藉此在兼顧養殖戶及地主的權益之下,達到「養殖為本 綠電加值」的效益。

對於北部日照條件較差縣市如桃園,也成功克服先天不利條件,成為北部太陽能設置容量最高的縣市。桃園市經發局主任秘書楊叡昀指出,關鍵就在於運用屋頂量體優勢,工廠屋頂、公有房舍、學校等推動屋頂型太陽能,約占 89% 設置容量。如桃園市新屋區公有土地太陽能停車場,預計可容納 24 部機車及 120 輛汽車,不但活化環境,更兼具綠能發電與停車功能。



台灣拚太陽能建置 20GW 達標有部分也是因為全球再生能源倡議 RE100,正加速再生能源在各國遍地開花。由氣候組織(The Climate Group)與碳揭露計畫(Carbon Disclosure Project,CDP)主導的 RE100,加入企業必須公開承諾在 2020 至 2050 年間達成 100%使用綠電的時程,並逐年提報使用進度。

至今,全球已有超過 300 家來自不同產業的巨擘參與,如蘋果、Google、Facebook、惠普、高盛、沃爾瑪、可口可樂、耐吉、聯合利華等,至今台灣也有逾 100 家指標型企業加入 RE100,如台積電、台達電、宏碁、聯電、葡萄王、大江生醫等。


(首圖為 150MW 台南鹽田太陽能電場,來源:台電)