台灣精品、MEET TAIWAN連8年挺熱氣球嘉年華 盼帶動周邊經濟效益

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▲台灣國際熱氣球嘉年華的MEET TAIWAN熱氣球。(圖/貿協提供)


2021台灣國際熱氣球嘉年華在疫情趨緩之下,於今(14)日正式開幕,活動期間自即日起至9/12,由經濟部國際貿易局主辦的「臺灣產業形象廣宣計畫」台灣精品及「MEET TAIWAN推動臺灣會展產業發展計畫」聯合熱氣球,連續8年於台東鹿野升空,繼續力挺11年來一路從無到有、築夢踏實的熱氣球嘉年華。

如同台灣精品和MEET TAIWAN的精神,前者協助台灣精品廠商在國際間行銷優秀產品,後者推廣台灣會展及吸引企業來台獎勵旅遊,大家目標一致,竭盡心力將台灣之光推向國際舞台!



台灣精品及MEET TAIWAN今年在現場仍設有活動攤位和民眾互動,遊戲多元,獎品豐富,有設計精美的提袋、口罩、杯套、涼扇和徽章,還有限量的充氣小熱氣球、彩繪熱氣球,此外,更有隱藏版的大驚喜─熱氣球定點繫留免費體驗券抽獎。台灣精品官方Facebook粉絲專頁(@TaiwanExcellence.TW)、MEET TAIWAN 粉絲專頁 (@meettaiwan)。


「MEET TAIWAN」以建構台灣為最佳會展目的地為目標,每年透過各式國內外推廣活動,宣傳台灣各城市之會展特色及資源,過往吸引更多海外商旅遊客來台參與會議、展覽及獎勵旅遊等活動,在後疫情時代也將爭取更多活動來台,以帶動周邊經濟效益。更多MEET TAIWAN資訊,可見MEET TAIWAN官方網站 。

麟洋決勝壓線球打開外交大門 駐愛代表處Taiwan in

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Taiwan restaurant God Guo to host online hot pot party with stars

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God Guo is promoting an online hot pot party with celebrities. (God Guo photo) God Guo is promoting an online hot pot party with celebrities. (God Guo photo)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan restaurant God Guo’s celebrity hot pot online party will be attended by 100 winners of a lucky draw.

Taiwan food giant, Wowprime Corporation, launched the hot pot brand in Wanhua District, in May, while the restaurant’s lively interior design draws on Taiwan’s past. At this point there was a surge in COVID-19 cases, so the timing wasn’t ideal because of dine-in restrictions.

Hence, the owners have launched a creative promotional campaign calling on 100 people to sign up and win a free hot pot with celebrities online. Registration will open on the company Facebook page on Tuesday (Aug. 17).

Lucky winners can choose to take away one of God Guo’s popular dishes for free — either peeled pepper chicken soup with beef, or garlic clam chicken soup with beef. On Aug. 27, they can join the celebrity online broadcast from 7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Discounts are also available for those who show proof of participating in the event.

The restaurant’s menu includes rice, noodles, and traditional Taiwanese dishes. There is also an all-you-can-eat mini bar that serves vegetables, desserts, and drinks for NT$278 (US$9).

(God Guo photo)

Peeled pepper chicken soup with beef. (God Guo photo)