Award-winning Taiwanese singer appears on Times Square billboard

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TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwanese singer Wei Ju-hsuan (魏如萱), aka Waa Wei, appeared Thursday (July 22) on a giant Spotify billboard in New York’s Times Square.

The music platform released a campaign called “EQUAL Global Music Program” in April, after a self-funded report showed that just one in five musicians in the charts are women. The company launched an EQUAL playlist of significant female artists from over 50 countries to support gender equality.

Taiwanese diva A-Mei (張惠妹) was one of the selected musicians and made her appearance on the Times Square billboard last month. Wei shared on Facebook Thursday that she was shocked after A-Mei was featured and hoped one day that it would be her face on the screen.

When the talented singer’s dream came true, Wei posted a photo and video of the Spotify promotional video. Wei wrote on social media, “I am so honored to be featured after A-Mei and Karen Mok (莫文蔚). To all women and mothers, we are invincible.”

Before Wei made her debut in the Times Square campaign video, she joked that her fans had put her picture on the LED wall using Photoshop and she wanted to share that photo, but her company gave her a firm “no.” The mother to a three-year-old boy is a radio host and winner of Best Female Mandarin Singer at the 31st edition of the Golden Melody Awards, after four nominations.

我駐立陶宛代表處用Taiwanese 劉亭廷:不用Taiwan字眼 避政治敏感

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劉亭廷補充「今年初時,台灣原預計在蓋亞那成立『台灣辦公室』,英文名為『Taiwan office in Guyana』,但對方卻在一天內以『遵守一中原則』為由,反悔此協議。而這次在大陸於立陶宛有設立大使館的情況下,折衷使用『Taiwanese』可以避免觸動政治敏感。」


~開啟小鈴鐺 TVBS YouTube頻道新聞搶先看 快點我按讚訂閱~

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2021年7月23日 星期五 上午1:12:16 [台北標準時間]


近期在《Final Fantady XIV》社群爆紅的實況主 Asmongold 再度引發話題,他在方才的遊戲實況當中直接提到「台灣是國家,中國是監獄」引發話題。

原本許多中國玩家因為 Asmongold 加入《Final Fantasy XIV》之後,開始有不少相關翻譯精華和討論,更有不少玩家認為看 Asmongold 玩遊戲非常有趣,堪稱七月最強新番。

當時 Asmonogold 剛看完有關動視暴雪在加州起訴的相關新聞,隨後聊到中國政權之後,接著爆出:「台灣是國家,中國是監獄」(Taiwan is a country, and China is a prison.)的言論,讓正在追實況的中國玩家全部看傻了眼。(下方影片時間軸大約 01:08:00 左右)

之所以會有如此轉折,剛好 Asmongold 正在瀏覽以前《WOW》首席設計師 Mark Kern 的推特,該則推特提到他在 2019 年 10 月因為暴雪將《爐石戰記》香港選手 bilitzchung 禁賽後,就開始抵制暴雪,如今又因為這次的加州事件成為了讓他刪除暴雪工作經歷的最後一根稻草。

I’m removing my Blizzard credits from my bio.

I boycotted Blizzard games over a year ago when they revealed themselves to be tools for CCP censorship by banning Blitzchung.

This latest news was the last straw for me.

Time to look forward. — Grummz (@Grummz) July 22, 2021

有玩家在中國論壇 NGA 留言提到,認為 Asmongold 對敏感政治話題發表意見非常不明智,也有不少沒有追實況的玩家紛紛發問「到底 Asmongold 說了些什麼求私信」,場面一度非常尷尬。

原本在該論壇瘋狂討論 Asmongold 實況的討論串,在辱華發言出現之後直接改標題變成:轉型為大型新手實況主討論串(已转形为大型豆芽主播讨论贴),顯然方才 Asmongold 的發言在某種程度對中國的玩家社群造成了一定程度的衝擊。