開季首月得分王 Bradley Beal的逆勢而行 - NBA - 籃球

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新賽季開打滿月,首月的得分王不是傷癒復出的Kevin Durant,不是孤掌難鳴的Stephen Curry,也不是志在總冠軍的「字母哥」Giannis Antetokounmpo,而是巫師「一哥」Bradley Beal,不過他的飆分方式似乎並不符合現代NBA的潮流,因為他減少了在三分線的出手,取而代之的是更多的中距離投射,不過看起來似乎效果還不錯。

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賽季 球隊 三分球出手比率 20-21 暴龍 48.9% 19-20 火箭 50.1% 18-19 火箭 51.9% 17-18 火箭 50.2% 16-17 火箭 46.2%

同樣的,三分球對聯盟過去幾屆得分王也是相當重要的得分手段,James Harden、Stephen Curry根本就是拿三分球投射當飯吃,連不以三分線見長的Russell Westbrook也有三成的三分線出手比率。

賽季 球隊 球員 三分球出手比率 19-20 火箭 James Harden 55.7% 18-19 火箭 James Harden 53.9% 17-18 火箭 James Harden 49.8% 16-17 雷霆 Russell Westbrook 30.0% 15-16 勇士 Stephen Curry 55.4%

不過,Bradley Beal似乎不信此道,本季到目前為止場均三分線出手只有6.4次,是16-17賽季以來的新低,三分球出手比率只有26.1%,比上個賽季(36.9%)少了超過一成,更是生涯最少,增加的是中距離的出手次數,這個現在被認為最沒有效率的得分手段。

賽季 三分球出手次數 三分球出手比率 三分球命中率 中距離出手次數 中距離命中率 20-21 6.4 26.1% 37.5% 7.1 56.4% 19-20 8.4 36.9% 35.3% 4.8 41.3% 18-19 7.3 37.0% 35.1% 4.2 42.6% 17-18 6.5 35.7% 37.5% 5.1 44.8% 16-17 7.2 41.8% 40.4% 3.7 47.9%

是因為Bradley Beal三分線不準所以才投中距離嗎?事實上他本季三分球命中率仍有37.5%的水準之作,1月6日對上76人狂砍60分的比賽三分球更是有10投7中的超高命中率,但他在中距離的把握度似乎較以往更好,可以透過優異的個人能力,運用各種盤球技巧晃開對手,創造出手空間:

Bradley Beal也可以透過跟對隊的擋拆配合找到更好的投籃空間,得到較為輕鬆的出手機會:

當然,他的個人能力也不在話下,不只step back,各種tough shot也難不倒他:


賽季 三分球出手次數 三分球命中率 20-21 33.5 38.9% 19-20 32.6 36.8% 18-19 33.3 34.1%

Bradley Beal並沒有不投三分球,只是比率降低,或許他正在找尋一個對個人來講更舒適、有效的進攻模式,高難度出手展現個人能力,Logo Shot會讓球迷興奮,但話說回來,投籃出手的結果只有兩種-進,跟不進,能夠把球投進籃框拿到分數比較重要,不管是1分、2分,還是3分,至於命中率就看個人的努力啦!


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今天來自邁阿密媒體《heat nation》的報導,熱火隊依然有著相當強烈的意願去追逐Bradley Beal,希望改善球隊進攻火力不足的現狀。另外,一旦追逐Beal不成,熱火也將引進Oladipo作為球隊的B計劃。

這則消息最早是從知名記者Kevin O’Connor那裡透露出來的,而事實上從O’Connor的口氣來看,熱火現在比任何時候都希望Beal加盟。

上賽季在Jimmy Butler的帶領下,熱火憑藉強大的團隊戰力,一路殺入總冠軍賽。然而本賽季打到現在,熱火的發揮卻讓人失望,目前他們只取得5場勝利,排名東區第12位。





Washington Wizards: 4 Bradley Beal trades that actually help the Wizards

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The Washington Wizards need to trade Bradley Beal. But we aren’t selling low here!

The Bradley Beal sweepstakes is back on and this time, the Washington Wizards have no one to blame but themselves.

After spending the past couple of seasons in the lottery, the Washington Wizards were hoping that this would be the year they would return to playoff relevance.

They traded for former MVP, Russell Westbrook, re-signed sharpshooter Davis Bertans, and drafted playmaker Deni Avdija. The only problem is, they haven’t done much winning.

The Wizards are currently at the bottom of the Eastern Conference standings. Unfortunately, Russell Westbrook has looked like a shell of his former self and head coach Scott Brooks has made a fair amount of questionable coaching decisions. With the Wizards losing games and Beal scoring in bunches, the vultures are starting to circle.

We’re just a few months removed from GM Tommy Sheppard flatly refusing to entertain Beal trade talks, but they have to reconsider that stance. The Wizards have wanted to prove that they can win with Beal on the roster, but it seems that the truth is coming to light.

This team, as much as it may hurt some people to read, cannot compete for a title. And trying to sneak into the playoffs is simply delaying the inevitable. It’s time for a rebuild and it’s time to trade Beal. What once seemed like something this team would never do, now feels like something they have to do.

Here’s the deal, though. Two late fist-round picks and Furkan Korkmaz (no offense, Furkan!) is not going to get you Bradley Beal.

I am sick of seeing hypothetical trades where the Wizards get next to nothing for the NBA’s leading scorer. Instead of acquiring picks in the mid-twenties, failed young prospects, and washed up vets, the writers at Wiz of Awes got in the GM seat and made some Beal trades that would ACTUALLY BENEFIT the Wizards. Enjoy!