泫雅成為 Loewe 全球大使:第一組照片釋出,最新 Goya 手袋已經背上身!

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為了搶攻各個地方的市場,「品牌大使」向來是精品重要的一步,而選擇影視業蓬勃的韓國,或許是策略上相當聰明的選擇,看看 Blackpink 四位成員,分別拿下了不同的代言人,後續的帶貨力更不容小覷,拿上一回的 Dior 的 Micro Bags 系列或許就是最完美的範例。

近幾年不停有韓國藝人成為首位官方大使的新聞,在全智賢與 Alexander McQueen、宋慧喬與 Fendi 之後,這一回又有新消息,那便是泫雅正式與 Loewe 攜手,不僅是品牌大使,也是韓國第一位擔任全球品牌大使的明星。

泫雅的時尚品味一直少不了追隨者,不僅擅長運用顏色,也懂得將潮流與 Vintage 混搭,從精品到她一手捧紅的小眾品牌,泫雅的穿搭總能使人耳目一新,現在又多了 Loewe 品牌大使這個新的頭銜,自然而然也令粉絲們相當期待將來會擦出什麼樣的火花。

對此,品牌創意總監 Jonathan Anderson 亦公開表示:「本人欣喜的歡迎泫雅成為LOEWE家庭 一員,這新的合作關係令人非常興奮, 並期待與泫雅在未來日子合作無間,共創佳績。」泫雅同樣期待:「有幸出任 LOEWE 全球品牌大使, 對我來說是奇妙的一刻,我極之盼望與品牌展開合作計畫。」

同時間,Loewe 與泫雅的第一組照片也同步釋出,21 秋冬亮相的 It Bag 潛力股 Goya 也已經揹上身,說說看你的心動指數有多少呢?

加入 The Bee Club 和訂閱 POPBEE 電子報,即時閱覽最新情報,更可快一步了解精彩的尊享禮遇及折扣優惠!除了這篇外,最近還有以下的報導值得你留意:

當 UNIQLO 配上 Lemaire,158 公分的日本女生穿出小資高級感!

解決外熱內冷:UNIQLO 超薄 V 領小外套,可愛的很時髦!

甜美酷:BLACKPINK x H&M 全單品整理,難以抵抗的日常百搭!

French luxury footwear brand unveils the world’s first of its kind, customizable luxury sneaker

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One sneaker, 100 looks

DANIEL ESSA, the French luxury footwear brand, has announced the global launch of its SS22 collection of customizable luxury sneakers, “Nous”.

The new collection, “Nous”, comes as an innovative response to the global state of the fashion industry. Following a challenging and unprecedented year, Founder and Creative Director, Daniel Essa, created the first of its kind luxury sneaker in the world that offers longevity and versatility for shoppers and a risk-free choice for retailers. Drawing from his inspiration of the of the 20 th century leading German artist, Imi Knoebel, Essa designed a trend-proof sneaker that is that offers endless possibilities with its innovative design featuring handcrafted leather straps.

The first of their kind “Nous” sneakers are available in two colors Alabaster and Onyx. However, each pair features 8 hand painted leather straps that can be easily changed with the additional strap packs available in a variety of basic and fun colors. In addition, the brand is launching an exclusive line of straps made of Swarovski Crystals. The “Nous” sneakers feature unprecedented luxury details. From the form, that is 40% lighter than any luxury sneaker on the market to the hidden back stitching techniques used to connect both side panels in a minimal and seamless way.

Commenting on the launch, Daniel Essa, said: “Our new “Nous” concept is all about us and our daily footwear needs. This sneaker is trend-proof, making it your safe ticket for every season, year on year. We are giving the customer a canva to paint in their own way and show their unique style. This collection reflects the brand’s vision to connect with customers on a personal level. We are offering more than just a sneaker. We’re offering an experience that allows customers to instantly personalize their sneakers and transform the shoes for any occasion.”

“For the very first time, we have created a truly timeless sneaker. A design that is minimal, comfortable, and light. A design that allows customers to express their individuality and their style with its customisable genuine leather straps.” He added.

The campaign, that was shot in Madrid by Photographer Edwin Cano, highlights diversity the brand continues to influence and the possibilities that the new collection offers. The launch of the collection kicked off in the Middle East in partnership with Level Shoes, the luxury footwear concept store developed by Chalhoub Group.


DANIEL ESSA is a French luxury footwear brand founded by Syrian designer and Creative Director, Daniel Essa, in Paris in 2017. Handmade in the world’s most prestigious ateliers in Italy, the brand challenges traditional shoemaking craftsmanship with a minimalistic yet complex approach to create effortless French style embedded with fine Italian craftsmanship. The DANIEL ESSA brand aims to create a purpose driven ethical business model, combining profitable growth with positive contribution to the planet, society and community.

Daniel Essa, award winning designer and creative director of his namesake brand, has launched.

IU 的 New Balance 574 經典又耐看,比白波鞋還好搭!

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近日時尚圈的新聞出現不少韓國藝人當上品牌大使的新聞,無論是全智賢與 Alexander McQueen、宋慧喬與 Fendi,又或者是熱騰騰的泫雅與 Loewe,一再證明了品牌們對於韓國明星的帶貨功力相當有信心,這一回也不例外,根據官方消息熱騰騰發布,高人氣的 IU 也正式成為 New Balance 的形象大使了。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 이지금 IU(@dlwlrma)分享的貼文

New Balance 以「We Got Now」作為口號,與 IU 橫跨歌手、演員、創作人、製作人… 等無所畏懼的自主態度不謀而合,合作消息確立之後,IU 也不吝嗇表示自己一直以來都是 New Balance 的粉絲,也不禁令人好奇,IU 的鞋櫃裡,第一雙想要向大家介紹的 New Balance 又是哪雙呢?

IU 以一身帥氣的黑色成套西裝,內搭 New Balance Logo 白色 T-Shirt,隨性折起的袖口加上寬鬆的闊腿褲展現著自信俐落的一面,而腳上穿的則是 New Balance 574。作為品牌經典的型號之一,574 復古的外型是讓人第一眼就著迷的原因,除此之外,也早已是每年都會推出新配色的固定班底,好入手的價錢更是讓人愛不釋手的原因,而 IU 腳上的為舒服又耐看的灰色,百搭不用多說,是不是完全不輸白波鞋呢?

加入 The Bee Club 和訂閱 POPBEE 電子報,即時閱覽最新情報,更可快一步了解精彩的尊享禮遇及折扣優惠!除了這篇外,最近還有以下的報導值得你留意:

80% 女生都錯過:UNIQLO 最百搭的洋裝,非這件莫屬!

心理測驗:從你使用的 Emojis 看出你的隱藏性格特質!

可遇不可求:CHANEL 將經典手袋,換上了零死角的質感黑!