曲面感光元件版 RX1 會是 Sony Alpha 發表會的重磅新品?

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眼看相機市場上多數對手都踏進了全幅無反的領域,甚至開始威脅到 Sony 原先算是有點獨佔的領域。似乎是時候打開黑科技寶箱拿出些新東西了?沒錯,緊接要在明日登場的 Sony α(Alpha)新品,也許將並沒有那麼地「前所未見」(咦)。據傳,他們將可能端出多年前曾公開展示先進技術的曲面感光元件所打造的產品。繼續閱讀傳曲面感光元件版 RX1 會是 Sony Alpha 發表會的重磅新品報導內文。


曲面感光元件版 RX1 會是 Sony Alpha 發表會的重磅新品?

做為 Alpha 全幅無反時代的前奏,2012 年在 NEX-6 與 α99 的發表會尾聲,Sony 重磅推出了搭載全幅感光元件的固定式鏡頭便攜型 DC,Sony RX1。到了 2021 年,現在似乎也傳出 Sony 可能再用這樣的傳奇產品系列開啟「前所未見(The one never seen)」的 Alpha 數位相機新篇章。

根據 Sony Alpha Rumors 的消息,採用曲面全幅感光元件且光圈更大的 RX 系列新品(RX2?RX1R III?)很可能將會在這次的 Alpha 發表會上發表 — 雖然 DC 在可交換鏡頭產品的 Alpha 發表會上發表有點奇怪,但仔細想想 RX1 其實當時也算是個不速之客囉。

假若 RX 系列採用曲面感光元件規格的消息成真,這可能代表未來 Alpha 可交換鏡式無反相機,也將會像是 RX1 之後推出 A7 系列那樣,緊接著推出搭載相同感光元件的產品。

▲圖:現階段具備 42.2MP、無低通濾鏡的 RX1R II 感光元件。(來源:Sony)

相對於以往的平面式感光元件,根據以往的技術資訊,曲面感光元件因為在四個角落都有透過陶瓷機構來支撐來達到更向前彎曲的型態,將可根本上有效解決相機系統光學上以往難解的邊緣失光問題。帶來的好處,普遍認為應該會讓鏡頭的設計更簡單,也意味著可能在保持高畫質的前提下,採用更小型輕便的鏡組 — 也就是更小型的全幅 DC。

儘管這一切,包括更輕巧更高畫質的鏡頭聽起來都很美好,更是非常適合較為講求可攜性的無反相機產品。但鏡頭設計的改變基本也意味著 Alpha 接環很可能將會有極大的改變 — 也許可以沿用現有 FE-mount,但理論上對應曲面感光元件的鏡頭應該是完全無法在以往的 Alpha 無反上使用(搞不好平面感光元件的 APS-C 相機可以勉強沿用?)。

以往,普遍猜測曲面感光元件的出現應該是為了彌補 Sony 相對於 Nikon 與 Canon 等對手,在打造鏡頭方面的技術劣勢而來。然而 Sony 近年來 G Master 鏡頭的表現,算是讓人看到了源自於 Konica Minolta 的工藝技術其實也毫不遜色於其他系統。所以 Sony 到底是因為曲面感光元件的技術還未到位,還是只是準備要在更適當的時機出招,這都是未解之謎。

假若這次 Sony 真的啟動了曲面感光元件的進化,個人認為理由大致應該會是因為市場上對手都已經追上了全幅無反的規格,甚至還端出了完全利用超低法蘭距特性的更誇張光學表現的產品。為了要拉開與其他人的差距,一套從感光元件開始完全進化的相機系統,將會是另一次超越的開始。

簡而言之,當對手都不斷在小巧無反相機掛上 砂鍋大 超大顆鏡頭的時候,Sony G Master 如果能端出保持同樣的光學品質卻在重量與體積上都更小巧的鏡頭。那麼別的對手真的是只剩下傻眼的份了。就期待一下這次 Sony 會不會端出這麼前所未見,將高階全幅無反系統打掉重練的產品了。



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How to watch today’s Sony Alpha camera event – will we see the Sony A9 III?

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A mysterious Sony Alpha event is taking place today for a camera that (so far) hasn’t had a single leak – here’s how to tune in and discover what Sony has in store.

Last week the company published a YouTube placeholder for a “new product announcement” that’s due to go live today, January 26, at 10am EST / 3pm GMT / 2am January 27 AEST.

And Sony has only given us two small clues about what the launch might be. Firstly, the event has been given Alpha branding, which means it’ll almost certainly be an interchangeable lens camera. What we don’t know is whether the new model will have a full-frame sensor, like the Sony A7S III, or a smaller APS-C one like the Sony A6600.

The event also has the tagline “the one never seen”, which could perhaps refer to either high-speed shooting (hence the Sony A9 III rumors), a breakthrough in low-light performance or even, as some rumors have suggested, a new curved sensor design.

Whatever it is, camera fans should definitely tune in to find out – here’s how to watch the event.

How to watch the Sony Alpha event live

The easiest way to watch the Alpha camera event will be on the Sony Camera Channel YouTube page, which we’ve linked to below.

YouTube handily lets you set up reminders for scheduled videos – just click on the ‘bell’ icon at the bottom of the placeholder, and you’ll get an email when the event kicks off.

The Sony Alpha Universe homepage also contains an invite to “join us for a special livestream event”, so you should also be able to watch it there, along with some additional info about the mysterious new release.

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What do we expect from Sony’s Alpha camera event?

Today’s Alpha event is very unusual in the sense that we haven’t seen a single leak or hint about what the camera might be.

Speculation from Sony Alpha Rumors has previously suggested that Sony will announce a new “high-end camera” in early 2021, which could be part of the A9-series. This could mean the new model will end up being a full-frame camera, but it’s far from certain.

(Image credit: Sony)

The site has previously suggested that this full-frame model could be called either Sony A9 III or Sony A9s, and will have a 50MP sensor along with the ability to shoot 8K/30p video with no overheating. But it’s not yet clear whether today’s Sony Alpha event will be for that model, or something entirely different.

The ever-reliable camera leaker Nokishita recently revealed in a tweet (below) that the camera will have the code “CX88500”. But this again doesn’t give us any major clues about what to expect, other than the fact that it will probably be an E-mount camera (given that that range has similar codenames).

Sony has recently shown an inclination to start new lines within its Alpha camera series – the Sony A7C, for example, didn’t fit into existing styles or naming conventions, and was described as a “new concept” for the Alpha line-up.

The tagline “the one never seen” certainly suggests that the mysterious Alpha could similarly bring something new to the range. The wildest rumor, and the only one from what Sony Alpha Rumors calls a “trusted source”, is that the launch might actually be an RX-series camera with a curved design. But this wouldn’t fit the event’s Alpha branding.

Given those earlier rumors about Sony releasing a “high-end camera” in early 2021, it seems likely that the model will fit into that price bracket. But whether the new Alpha turns out to be the Sony A9 III or a direct successor to the Sony A9 II remains to be seen. We’ll see you at event to find out.